Friday, September 7, 2007

Połozenie Geograficzne Rumunii

If this article started talking about possible differences between men and women in reference to certain mental abilities, for example, do Sudoku or driving motor vehicles, it is likely that I would be in a mess of difficult exit. Research on brain differences between men and women, focusing primarily on the degree to which different mental illnesses affect each of the two sexes. Recent results from several studies support the fact that women are more likely to "internalize" the conflict and therefore are more likely to suffer from depressive disorders or symptoms of anxiety , and nutritional disorders such as anorexia . Men are more likely to externalize these problems, leading them to suffer the most severe symptoms of schizophrenia and to express a greater degree of antisocial behavior and certain addictions, alcoholism being the most widespread. Of course there are cultural and economic issues that delve into these gender differences with regard to mental illness, but we have the existence of factors biológicos.Las stress responses involve both the autonomic nervous system we alter the heart rate or sweating of the hands in a situation "committed" as endocrine aspects related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ultimately leads to release cortisol to counteract stress. Biological explanations of gender differences referred to mental illness, according to published studies could include both mecanismos.Los hormonal effects are the most explored, for example in studies with primates testosterone levels are associated with certain degrees of aggressiveness, however, estrogen seem to have neuroprotective effects, which would explain the further aggravation of the symptoms of schizophrenia in the case of hombres.Existen enough studies that show differences between the brains of men and women But scientists are wary of drawing conclusions, since it is not aware of the possible functional implications, it will be interesting to apply these studies to effectively treat diseases mentales.En any case, as they say in French: "Vive le difference!" .


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