Monday, September 17, 2007

How To Write A Letter For Community Service Hours


The HFEA ( Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) is an independent body that regulates the processes related to in vitro fertilization and human embryo research in the UK since 1991. Recently the agency has acknowledged the possible trials that would enable the creation of embryos using oocytes from one part of animals, as cows or rabbits and other human somatic cells, such as skin cells, whose nuclei would initiate a reprogramming embrionaria.La basic technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer , there has been some success in animals, remember for the sheep "Dolly." This methodology is based on getting the oocyte nucleus or germinal female gamete, instead injecting the nucleus from an adult cell from a donor of the same species. After activation can be initiated for the development of an embryo containing genetic material from the donor. The interest of this technique, thinking in human cells, would be to obtain embryonic stem cells immunologically compatible with a hypothetical donor for potential transplant these cells back, is what is known as therapeutic cloning. In humans, however, this technique has had many limitations and a low level of success. First, the rescheduling is not, apparently, so reproducible and animals and on the other hand there is a lack of eggs that prevents a methodological advance. The use according to the HFEA, of oocytes from animals for experiments referred only be approved in detail, allowing where appropriate, the development of embryos for a maximum period of five days, ie until a blastocyst of about 100 cells. It is intended primarily to study the cellular factors that start this process of nuclear reprogramming. No doubt this decision may generate some controversy in a field of research where there is already an open debate on the use of human embryos. Posed protocols do not intend to complete the resulting embryo development but only to know the early stages of development. It is important to note from the biological point of view two things: the first is that it would develop a chimeric embryo with cells from both species, recalling books HG Wells. Blastocysts resulting cells contain a single type with human nuclear genetic material from the donor. However, the second aspect to consider is that the resulting cells would indeed be cytoplasmic hybrid, ie mixed could have mitochondria, both human and animal egg which has been used. Mitochondria have a certain amount of genetic material, namely 13 genes essential for its function, so the functional leads of this situation should be studied. Advances in biological research can sometimes surprising and always spoken of human cells and embryos must be analyzed harshly.


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