Monday, September 17, 2007

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The HFEA ( Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) is an independent body that regulates the processes related to in vitro fertilization and human embryo research in the UK since 1991. Recently the agency has acknowledged the possible trials that would enable the creation of embryos using oocytes from one part of animals, as cows or rabbits and other human somatic cells, such as skin cells, whose nuclei would initiate a reprogramming embrionaria.La basic technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer , there has been some success in animals, remember for the sheep "Dolly." This methodology is based on getting the oocyte nucleus or germinal female gamete, instead injecting the nucleus from an adult cell from a donor of the same species. After activation can be initiated for the development of an embryo containing genetic material from the donor. The interest of this technique, thinking in human cells, would be to obtain embryonic stem cells immunologically compatible with a hypothetical donor for potential transplant these cells back, is what is known as therapeutic cloning. In humans, however, this technique has had many limitations and a low level of success. First, the rescheduling is not, apparently, so reproducible and animals and on the other hand there is a lack of eggs that prevents a methodological advance. The use according to the HFEA, of oocytes from animals for experiments referred only be approved in detail, allowing where appropriate, the development of embryos for a maximum period of five days, ie until a blastocyst of about 100 cells. It is intended primarily to study the cellular factors that start this process of nuclear reprogramming. No doubt this decision may generate some controversy in a field of research where there is already an open debate on the use of human embryos. Posed protocols do not intend to complete the resulting embryo development but only to know the early stages of development. It is important to note from the biological point of view two things: the first is that it would develop a chimeric embryo with cells from both species, recalling books HG Wells. Blastocysts resulting cells contain a single type with human nuclear genetic material from the donor. However, the second aspect to consider is that the resulting cells would indeed be cytoplasmic hybrid, ie mixed could have mitochondria, both human and animal egg which has been used. Mitochondria have a certain amount of genetic material, namely 13 genes essential for its function, so the functional leads of this situation should be studied. Advances in biological research can sometimes surprising and always spoken of human cells and embryos must be analyzed harshly.

How To Write A Letter For Community Service Hours


The HFEA ( Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) is an independent body that regulates the processes related to in vitro fertilization and human embryo research in the UK since 1991. Recently the agency has acknowledged the possible trials that would enable the creation of embryos using oocytes from one part of animals, as cows or rabbits and other human somatic cells, such as skin cells, whose nuclei would initiate a reprogramming embrionaria.La basic technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer , there has been some success in animals, remember for the sheep "Dolly." This methodology is based on getting the oocyte nucleus or germinal female gamete, instead injecting the nucleus from an adult cell from a donor of the same species. After activation can be initiated for the development of an embryo containing genetic material from the donor. The interest of this technique, thinking in human cells, would be to obtain embryonic stem cells immunologically compatible with a hypothetical donor for potential transplant these cells back, is what is known as therapeutic cloning. In humans, however, this technique has had many limitations and a low level of success. First, the rescheduling is not, apparently, so reproducible and animals and on the other hand there is a lack of eggs that prevents a methodological advance. The use according to the HFEA, of oocytes from animals for experiments referred only be approved in detail, allowing where appropriate, the development of embryos for a maximum period of five days, ie until a blastocyst of about 100 cells. It is intended primarily to study the cellular factors that start this process of nuclear reprogramming. No doubt this decision may generate some controversy in a field of research where there is already an open debate on the use of human embryos. Posed protocols do not intend to complete the resulting embryo development but only to know the early stages of development. It is important to note from the biological point of view two things: the first is that it would develop a chimeric embryo with cells from both species, recalling books HG Wells. Blastocysts resulting cells contain a single type with human nuclear genetic material from the donor. However, the second aspect to consider is that the resulting cells would indeed be cytoplasmic hybrid, ie mixed could have mitochondria, both human and animal egg which has been used. Mitochondria have a certain amount of genetic material, namely 13 genes essential for its function, so the functional leads of this situation should be studied. Advances in biological research can sometimes surprising and always spoken of human cells and embryos must be analyzed harshly.

Friday, September 7, 2007

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Some studies in laboratory animals support the hypothesis that a reduction in nutrient intake increases longevity . Recently in the journal "Nature" was published the existence of parallel molecular mechanisms that could explain the involvement of different genes in this pathway. This discovery could allow in the future, improve health and extend the average life of the people.The we mentioned a few months ago in this very "blog" (08/03/2007) longevity is reached, no doubt, habits lifestyles, but also influenced by a certain "genetic load." The journal Nature (vol. 447) has recently published two articles (pages 545 and 550) that two new genes PHA4 and SKN-1 are directly related to the observed longevity in worms (Caenorhabditis elegans ), such as those are shown in the photo, which reduces their nutritional intake bacteriana.La nutrient depletion in mammals, specifically carbohydrates, is associated with decreased activation of the signals characteristic of insulin, a hormone our pancreas releases in response to plasma glucose levels, in fact many weight loss diets "decoupled" is based on carbohydrates do not mix with other nutrients such as protein or fat, to avoid this increase in insulin. The reduction of the signals characteristic of this hormone as well as other parallel mechanisms involving PHA4 and SKN-1, appear to originate, among other things, the activation of genes that increase our defenses against free radicals that will inevitably occur in cells that are a cause of aging. Studies of the mechanisms involving these genes in longevity and its parallels in mammals will be of great interest in the next años.Nuestra intake is associated with appetite. There are substances that our body produces to allow the brain to know if we need or do not eat, such as leptin produced by our adipose tissue and informs the brain that we have eaten enough and that it is better to spend the accumulated energy. Humans do not respond to leptin develop obesity. Apply this knowledge in human beings still require many studies but meanwhile we now know that probably remain a little hungry after a meal may help us live a little longer.

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Some studies in laboratory animals support the hypothesis that a reduction in nutrient intake increases longevity . Recently in the journal "Nature" was published the existence of parallel molecular mechanisms that could explain the involvement of different genes in this pathway. This discovery could allow in the future, improve health and extend the average life of the people.The we mentioned a few months ago in this very "blog" (08/03/2007) longevity is reached, no doubt, habits lifestyles, but also influenced by a certain "genetic load." The journal Nature (vol. 447) has recently published two articles (pages 545 and 550) that two new genes PHA4 and SKN-1 are directly related to the observed longevity in worms (Caenorhabditis elegans ), such as those are shown in the photo, which reduces their nutritional intake bacteriana.La nutrient depletion in mammals, specifically carbohydrates, is associated with decreased activation of the signals characteristic of insulin, a hormone our pancreas releases in response to plasma glucose levels, in fact many weight loss diets "decoupled" is based on carbohydrates do not mix with other nutrients such as protein or fat, to avoid this increase in insulin. The reduction of the signals characteristic of this hormone as well as other parallel mechanisms involving PHA4 and SKN-1, appear to originate, among other things, the activation of genes that increase our defenses against free radicals that will inevitably occur in cells that are a cause of aging. Studies of the mechanisms involving these genes in longevity and its parallels in mammals will be of great interest in the next años.Nuestra intake is associated with appetite. There are substances that our body produces to allow the brain to know if we need or do not eat, such as leptin produced by our adipose tissue and informs the brain that we have eaten enough and that it is better to spend the accumulated energy. Humans do not respond to leptin develop obesity. Apply this knowledge in human beings still require many studies but meanwhile we now know that probably remain a little hungry after a meal may help us live a little longer.

Połozenie Geograficzne Rumunii

If this article started talking about possible differences between men and women in reference to certain mental abilities, for example, do Sudoku or driving motor vehicles, it is likely that I would be in a mess of difficult exit. Research on brain differences between men and women, focusing primarily on the degree to which different mental illnesses affect each of the two sexes. Recent results from several studies support the fact that women are more likely to "internalize" the conflict and therefore are more likely to suffer from depressive disorders or symptoms of anxiety , and nutritional disorders such as anorexia . Men are more likely to externalize these problems, leading them to suffer the most severe symptoms of schizophrenia and to express a greater degree of antisocial behavior and certain addictions, alcoholism being the most widespread. Of course there are cultural and economic issues that delve into these gender differences with regard to mental illness, but we have the existence of factors biológicos.Las stress responses involve both the autonomic nervous system we alter the heart rate or sweating of the hands in a situation "committed" as endocrine aspects related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ultimately leads to release cortisol to counteract stress. Biological explanations of gender differences referred to mental illness, according to published studies could include both mecanismos.Los hormonal effects are the most explored, for example in studies with primates testosterone levels are associated with certain degrees of aggressiveness, however, estrogen seem to have neuroprotective effects, which would explain the further aggravation of the symptoms of schizophrenia in the case of hombres.Existen enough studies that show differences between the brains of men and women But scientists are wary of drawing conclusions, since it is not aware of the possible functional implications, it will be interesting to apply these studies to effectively treat diseases mentales.En any case, as they say in French: "Vive le difference!" .

Połozenie Geograficzne Rumunii

If this article started talking about possible differences between men and women in reference to certain mental abilities, for example, do Sudoku or driving motor vehicles, it is likely that I would be in a mess of difficult exit. Research on brain differences between men and women, focusing primarily on the degree to which different mental illnesses affect each of the two sexes. Recent results from several studies support the fact that women are more likely to "internalize" the conflict and therefore are more likely to suffer from depressive disorders or symptoms of anxiety , and nutritional disorders such as anorexia . Men are more likely to externalize these problems, leading them to suffer the most severe symptoms of schizophrenia and to express a greater degree of antisocial behavior and certain addictions, alcoholism being the most widespread. Of course there are cultural and economic issues that delve into these gender differences with regard to mental illness, but we have the existence of factors biológicos.Las stress responses involve both the autonomic nervous system we alter the heart rate or sweating of the hands in a situation "committed" as endocrine aspects related to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ultimately leads to release cortisol to counteract stress. Biological explanations of gender differences referred to mental illness, according to published studies could include both mecanismos.Los hormonal effects are the most explored, for example in studies with primates testosterone levels are associated with certain degrees of aggressiveness, however, estrogen seem to have neuroprotective effects, which would explain the further aggravation of the symptoms of schizophrenia in the case of hombres.Existen enough studies that show differences between the brains of men and women But scientists are wary of drawing conclusions, since it is not aware of the possible functional implications, it will be interesting to apply these studies to effectively treat diseases mentales.En any case, as they say in French: "Vive le difference!" .

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Today is an important day for Zeltia shareholders since the drug Yondelis ®, developed by the division PharmaMar biotechnology has been adopted by the European Medicines Agency to be used in the treatment of a specific cancer, soft tissue sarcoma. However, this substance, trabectidina is also being investigated to check their possible use in other more common cancers like breast or ovarian cancer, so it is possible that many patients can actually benefit from this new drug the future. This antitumor has been developed within a broader research project of substances of therapeutic interest in the sea, an interesting project and risky from the point of view. Specifically, the active substance that has given rise to this new drug was originally isolated from a marine tunicate : Ecteinascidia turbinata and is an important example of the search for new drugs as before, may lie in methodological research of natural substances. Do not forget, relatively speaking, this is the case of two of the most commonly used drugs: aspirin or aspirin was discovered following an investigation of substances of white willow bark and eventually led to the chemist Felix Hoffmann at Bayer the synthesis of this important analgesic marketed in 1899. On the other hand we owe to the fungus and bacteriologist Fleming's discovery of penicillin in 1928, but finally it was the participation of the chemical pathologist Chain and Florey which enabled her utilización.Hoy day the advance of techniques X-ray diffraction and nanotechnology provide insight into the three-dimensional structure of many proteins could be target of new drugs and computer design is another important alternative for the pharmaceutical industry, although we will always have the sea.

How Much Btu Does My Radiator Required


Today is an important day for Zeltia shareholders since the drug Yondelis ®, developed by the division PharmaMar biotechnology has been adopted by the European Medicines Agency to be used in the treatment of a specific cancer, soft tissue sarcoma. However, this substance, trabectidina is also being investigated to check their possible use in other more common cancers like breast or ovarian cancer, so it is possible that many patients can actually benefit from this new drug the future. This antitumor has been developed within a broader research project of substances of therapeutic interest in the sea, an interesting project and risky from the point of view. Specifically, the active substance that has given rise to this new drug was originally isolated from a marine tunicate : Ecteinascidia turbinata and is an important example of the search for new drugs as before, may lie in methodological research of natural substances. Do not forget, relatively speaking, this is the case of two of the most commonly used drugs: aspirin or aspirin was discovered following an investigation of substances of white willow bark and eventually led to the chemist Felix Hoffmann at Bayer the synthesis of this important analgesic marketed in 1899. On the other hand we owe to the fungus and bacteriologist Fleming's discovery of penicillin in 1928, but finally it was the participation of the chemical pathologist Chain and Florey which enabled her utilización.Hoy day the advance of techniques X-ray diffraction and nanotechnology provide insight into the three-dimensional structure of many proteins could be target of new drugs and computer design is another important alternative for the pharmaceutical industry, although we will always have the sea.

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about eight years ago to live with news that we gradually come to future medical treatments related to the use of stem cells due to the potential of these cells in the regeneration of various tissues . Adult stem cells from the patient that can autograft for example, in the heart to try to regenerate an area affected, as has been done in some hospitals or even the possible use of pluripotent embryonic cells, whose experiments in mice have shown some potential. However use of human embryonic stem cells entails difficult ethical issues.
This week has been published in the journal Nature, two papers of great importance related to the possible derivation of pluripotent cells, like embryonic stem cells would avoid these issues. First, two separate groups of researchers in the U.S. Jaenisch and Yamanaka in Japan, have managed to get "cells induced pluripotent "from somatic cells of the skin of mice. To do this, introduced by retroviral vectors in somatic cells, four genes for transcription factors known to somehow "wake up" dormant cells of conferring properties similar to embryonic stem cells. The most obvious difficulty of these experiments is that viral particles are used, and transcription factors that can develop cancer and therefore could not be used in patients, so after playing these experiments with human cells, which are probably needed more than four factors should be find a way compatible with a possible rescheduling implant humanos.El another article that I referred to is Kevin Eggan of Harvard University. In this research, instead of using adult cells embryonic cells used mouse aberrant, ie an abnormal chromosome. I must say that in assisted reproduction occur 3-5% of zygotes with abnormal chromosome, for example by being fertilized egg by two sperm at the same time. These zygotes are not viable at all and are therefore discarded. The above experiments suggest that these non-viable zygotes could be stripped of replacing it with the genetic material of the patient. The "induced pluripotent cells" derived from this other way may also be useful without giving rise to ethical issues that currently overshadow the experiments with embryonic cells humanas.Las two possibilities, both the reprogramming of somatic cell nuclear transfer as a possible to aberrant zygotes, are still many issues to resolve, the only answer is to continue investigating.

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about eight years ago to live with news that we gradually come to future medical treatments related to the use of stem cells due to the potential of these cells in the regeneration of various tissues . Adult stem cells from the patient that can autograft for example, in the heart to try to regenerate an area affected, as has been done in some hospitals or even the possible use of pluripotent embryonic cells, whose experiments in mice have shown some potential. However use of human embryonic stem cells entails difficult ethical issues.
This week has been published in the journal Nature, two papers of great importance related to the possible derivation of pluripotent cells, like embryonic stem cells would avoid these issues. First, two separate groups of researchers in the U.S. Jaenisch and Yamanaka in Japan, have managed to get "cells induced pluripotent "from somatic cells of the skin of mice. To do this, introduced by retroviral vectors in somatic cells, four genes for transcription factors known to somehow "wake up" dormant cells of conferring properties similar to embryonic stem cells. The most obvious difficulty of these experiments is that viral particles are used, and transcription factors that can develop cancer and therefore could not be used in patients, so after playing these experiments with human cells, which are probably needed more than four factors should be find a way compatible with a possible rescheduling implant humanos.El another article that I referred to is Kevin Eggan of Harvard University. In this research, instead of using adult cells embryonic cells used mouse aberrant, ie an abnormal chromosome. I must say that in assisted reproduction occur 3-5% of zygotes with abnormal chromosome, for example by being fertilized egg by two sperm at the same time. These zygotes are not viable at all and are therefore discarded. The above experiments suggest that these non-viable zygotes could be stripped of replacing it with the genetic material of the patient. The "induced pluripotent cells" derived from this other way may also be useful without giving rise to ethical issues that currently overshadow the experiments with embryonic cells humanas.Las two possibilities, both the reprogramming of somatic cell nuclear transfer as a possible to aberrant zygotes, are still many issues to resolve, the only answer is to continue investigating.

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One of the main problems that arises for anyone who tries to imagine how life could arise on the primitive earth is to adapt our brain, used to measure time in hours, days or even years, to the scale of geologic time. Our planet is about 4,500 million years and the emergence of the earliest forms of life was about 2,500 million years and years. Try to prove any hypothesis in the laboratory is not easy because no scientist has the millions of years nature has been to produce a primitive cell capable of tapping ambient energy to survive and self-replicate. On May 20 he died of a heart attack, Stanley Miller, one of the leading scientists in studies on the origin of life who tried to recreate the original atmosphere of the earth reducing in a "gimmick" of glass in the laboratory. This "gas cloud" in the flask was subjected to electric shocks with two electrodes for several days, simulating prebiotic lightning storm. After some time we noted the appearance in these conditions, at the bottom of the container of organic substances such as amino acids or nucleotides that are present in our cells. These results were a great support for the hypotheses that assume that on our planet, at some point, just over 2,500 million years were given circumstances to arise in the atmosphere or in certain pockets marine molecules that assembled to create the vital machinery of what is now known as cells, ie the basic unit of life. Long before we know how, but at least we can try to imagine.

Kidde Smoke Alarm Wont Stop


One of the main problems that arises for anyone who tries to imagine how life could arise on the primitive earth is to adapt our brain, used to measure time in hours, days or even years, to the scale of geologic time. Our planet is about 4,500 million years and the emergence of the earliest forms of life was about 2,500 million years and years. Try to prove any hypothesis in the laboratory is not easy because no scientist has the millions of years nature has been to produce a primitive cell capable of tapping ambient energy to survive and self-replicate. On May 20 he died of a heart attack, Stanley Miller, one of the leading scientists in studies on the origin of life who tried to recreate the original atmosphere of the earth reducing in a "gimmick" of glass in the laboratory. This "gas cloud" in the flask was subjected to electric shocks with two electrodes for several days, simulating prebiotic lightning storm. After some time we noted the appearance in these conditions, at the bottom of the container of organic substances such as amino acids or nucleotides that are present in our cells. These results were a great support for the hypotheses that assume that on our planet, at some point, just over 2,500 million years were given circumstances to arise in the atmosphere or in certain pockets marine molecules that assembled to create the vital machinery of what is now known as cells, ie the basic unit of life. Long before we know how, but at least we can try to imagine.