Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Does Olive Oil Harm Skin

Myths and basic statement of intent

The art of flirting, seduce, contrary to what many think, not is a set of "beliefs" without foundation, or a mystery that only a few know, or something within reach of just a few. Knowledge is a set of arrangements that could be part of a science, in fact, in a sense they already are. The psychology and sociology, among other disciplines have studied the behavior, first of individuals alone, and another group of people. These Sciences, irrefutable conclusions have been reached, which can then be applied to the art of seduction, to which ordinary mortals the term "link". It is important to make that clear right from the start, because we are not going to give false hope to anyone, nor will we try to sell a bike that does not exist. But to get
any goal in life is vital information, know the terrain in which we operate is essential to achieve what we want.
So you have to first remove various myths, topics that "conventional wisdom" gives as good, and that science has proven to be false.
Today we are going to dedicate one of the most dangerous, one of those myths that provide for certain, we will seriously hamper the seduction. We are going to make it harder for something that I will comment at the end, and that is, if we take the wrong conclusions, it is unlikely to reach the results we want.

I mean the myth that beauty is subjective , and topical partner to bind the handsome more. Note that I intentionally wrote handsome, and not "beautiful" or "handsome / as", because man is not essential to physical atractivio to seduce, but obviously help.

And here is where science, psychology in particular. It has been demonstrated in numerous psychological and social studies, that there is a standard of beauty (male and female) consisting of a set of physical features that all cultures considered as beautiful, as beautiful as pleasing to the eye. This we know Psychologists for many years, novelty is that it also has demonstrated a pattern of beauty, regardless of different cultures and societies. It is therefore false, the idea of \u200b\u200bfeminists that female beauty is subjective, and that a woman is ugly or beautiful, depending on the man to watch. It is also false belief of today's society, that the media "create a false image of beautiful woman and man." It has been shown that the latter is false, what they've done the media, marketing ultimately is to identify which models of beauty that all men and women recognized as attractive, and then skillfully used to associate their products these models real beauty to psychological processes through well-known for a long, enhance and make pleasant their products to consumers.
therefore removed first myth. As common sense would tell us (not always right, but in this case yes) there are men and women who are more attractive to the opposite sex (or possibly the same, although that would be another matter) than the average. If this were not so, Britney Spears Monica Bellucci or simply attract both men, on average, as the homely bread from the supermarket, or that friend of yours that never finds a boyfriend, or like many others, we all know, are not attractive to men.
Sign on to describe what those traits that all men and women of the world recognize as attractive, but that, as we shall see, we is not relevant when considering the tactics of seduction, and is especially irrelevant to men, as we shall see. And it is because for a man is not essentially a physical attraction to attract women, as we will too, but time to time.

For me, the most important consequence of this research is that posed by the science of seduction as a science close to the Economy. Beautiful women, because there is an agreement among men as to which is beautiful and what is not, would, in economic terms a "scarce." That is, a well with a "heavy price" in the "market." And the consequence of all this, is that there will have to raise the science of seduction as a contest as a struggle between competitors to get that "good", that thing you want (said without any intention of considering women as an object: )). So many times, the lure will consist of something like marketing techniques (that will differentiate our "product" in the market). Hence the term has come to this popular, that to get certain things in life "we must know how to sell."

And that's what we're going to try to learn from here to differentiate, compete to move up the ranking, to achieve the goals that mark us with respect to relations with the opposite sex.

will move forward in the next post.



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