Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cliff Keen Signature Headgear Problems

Biological relevance and evolutionary bases of seduction

explores the idea that the foundations of seduction are biological.
And they are because for the evolution of humanity, reproduction is a vital issue for the species, and So nature has ensured that this aspect is well designed and works for the purposes for which there is: get a genetic diversity that allows the species to improve and survive as long as possible. The history of mankind is a story of survival in the middle, and this has played a key role the reproductive success of the strategy.
The human species is peculiar in nature. The human offspring can not even stand up at birth. This is not coincidence, this is the result of evolution. Our ancestors began walking upright, and therefore, females had no choice but to shake a little the pelvis to remain in this position. But babies as a result of brain growth in general and the neocortex in particualar increasingly born with the large skull. The nature arrived at a solution: human children would be born "premature." That is, had to do to be born smaller, to make an increasingly large head, passed through a hole shrinking. But the consequence was that a human could not defend himself up to pass many years after birth. Therefore, was to create a strategy to protect these helpless children early.
Nature, once again, he thought in terms of survival. The solution was simple: they had to get the father and the mother of that child to remain with him until he could defend himself. This is not true in many other species, in which parents leave their fate to the young almost immediately after birth. This meant that human couples should be together, at least five years. Beyond that, nature, as it has not designed any solution.
This explains the difference undisputed roles between men and women when it comes to seduction. And not just seduction, because, although feminists try to deny it, is proving The brains of men and women are different.
The woman tries to attract a man who offered protection to her and her children. The man is attracted by a woman who will ensure that their children will be healthy. This explains why men look at women, primarily, physical beauty (health security) and why women look for other things (to which we turn now) that ensure the safety and protection both for themselves as of their children.

continue to investigate in future posts on these matters.


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