Monday, January 26, 2009

Chipped Shoulder Bone Injury

The why of your fears

All men have ever felt.
When approaching a woman with sexual intentions, especially if it is in a group at that time, not alone, the man certainly feels a typical nervousness of the situation, he wondered if it fails, be afraid rejected, ridiculed and even attacked by the group that is woman. This, you have some irrational fear, but as we will also explain the biology and evolution, is without doubt the biggest obstacle that may have a man to get a relationship, a partner, a sexual partner. To the extent that this situation will continue for years, and even, in extreme cases lead to the male (biologically speaking) not to mate ever.
But these fears, like almost any human behavior has a rationale, do not appear "out of nothing" or "because." Psychology well known and, at this point in the movie the origins of these fears.
Man, about a million years gatherers living in small groups and hunters. Well you could say that living in "tribes" is more modern societies still have some organization. In a tribe, not used to be many males, but not used to have many females. By nature, man has always avoided inbreeding by mating (the mutated genes are weak and if couples are close together in terms of inbreeding, and nature provided the raw genetic variety). Thus, males had to go out of their tribe to mate. But of course, males from neighboring tribes, not received with open arms males trying to mate with "their" females. On the other hand, put to the test females to males taking advantage of these disputes between them resulting from competition for mating. Because of their physical inferiority, females greatly interested them see for themselves, or otherwise, that the "applicants" were the fittest, in terms of survival, for mating.
These behaviors have survived to this day. Brain circuits that are still somehow "remember" this rivalry, the competition. Therefore, when a man tries to approach a woman to mate, the brain activates the alarm in the form of stress, nervousness, activation of adrenaline. The male must be prepared to repel a possible attack by other males, who compete with him to mate with that female. The male has to be aware that if it fails, is exposed to aggression by other males of the tribe (of the club, people, work ...). On the other hand, if the male fails in its purpose, will soon be ridiculed as much as by males as by females of both tribes, should be deterred from a further attempt by all means. Females in this way, they ensure that if I do not have what you need to have to be worthy of mating with them.
Nature does a great job. We should not believe that after a million years of evolution has stopped.

The next time you approach a woman with intent to seduce and sintáis nervousness, anxiety and stress, remember that everything works well, and that nature ensures that the plan is executed as planned. But do not let that separate you from your goal.

continue later with all these issues.


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