Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Slant/fin Sentry Wiring Diagram

cycles of attraction: men and women

We have seen that men and women seek different things in the opposite sex when choosing partners. There are features of both personality and physical, that attract more than others. Remember the post about myths. We saw that it was untrue that beauty was subjective. And new in terms of research, has been demonstrated that there are a set of features that are attractive in all cultures.
regard to physical characteristics of women who are attractive are the waist-hip ratio (failed to determine the proportion by an exact number, even), symmetry of facial features, and generally any feature that indicates youth and good health.
physical traits of men who are attractive to women are not so relevant, because women value most psychological traits and "status social. "That does not mean that women do not appreciate the physical appearance of men. But it has been shown that the most valued cultural trait of women in men is referred to social status, in particular, the ability of man women to provide security in the broadest sense of the word.
All this has naturally impact on the science of seduction. Because it involves men and women seek different things in their potential mates.
Today I focus on a well-known result, and we can all see from day to day life, I mean the fact that women tend to be attracted to men a little (or a lot) older than themselves.
This is a direct consequence of what I said earlier. It is easy to conclude that this man is because it costs some time to reach the social status of women seen as desirable, and on the other hand, the woman comes early age that makes their physical features are attractive to men.
So ultimately, this means that women are talking to your "maximum seductive" than men, meaning seductive ability to view a woman's ability to attract large numbers of men.
And that's what I try to explain the plot. It shows a graph, which without going into details, age relate to the number of persons of the opposite sex who are attracted by this "fringe" of age. The pink line is the women's and men's blue.
The conclusion would be that a man about 30-something, is when most women can attract, of course, on average, and isolating the remaining factors.
However, we see how the theory goes, women reach this point around 20.
see that after this age, the "seductive capacity" remains in men and women, then descend in both, yes, faster for women than for men.

In next post we will see how to leverage this to increase our success in the task of seduction.

Slant/fin Sentry Wiring Diagram

cycles of attraction: men and women

We have seen that men and women seek different things in the opposite sex when choosing partners. There are features of both personality and physical, that attract more than others. Remember the post about myths. We saw that it was untrue that beauty was subjective. And new in terms of research, has been demonstrated that there are a set of features that are attractive in all cultures.
regard to physical characteristics of women who are attractive are the waist-hip ratio (failed to determine the proportion by an exact number, even), symmetry of facial features, and generally any feature that indicates youth and good health.
physical traits of men who are attractive to women are not so relevant, because women value most psychological traits and "status social. "That does not mean that women do not appreciate the physical appearance of men. But it has been shown that the most valued cultural trait of women in men is referred to social status, in particular, the ability of man women to provide security in the broadest sense of the word.
All this has naturally impact on the science of seduction. Because it involves men and women seek different things in their potential mates.
Today I focus on a well-known result, and we can all see from day to day life, I mean the fact that women tend to be attracted to men a little (or a lot) older than themselves.
This is a direct consequence of what I said earlier. It is easy to conclude that this man is because it costs some time to reach the social status of women seen as desirable, and on the other hand, the woman comes early age that makes their physical features are attractive to men.
So ultimately, this means that women are talking to your "maximum seductive" than men, meaning seductive ability to view a woman's ability to attract large numbers of men.
And that's what I try to explain the plot. It shows a graph, which without going into details, age relate to the number of persons of the opposite sex who are attracted by this "fringe" of age. The pink line is the women's and men's blue.
The conclusion would be that a man about 30-something, is when most women can attract, of course, on average, and isolating the remaining factors.
However, we see how the theory goes, women reach this point around 20.
see that after this age, the "seductive capacity" remains in men and women, then descend in both, yes, faster for women than for men.

In next post we will see how to leverage this to increase our success in the task of seduction.

Iva-w200 Wiring Diagram

Designing a strategy

In life, in any area is always important to have a strategy. Moreover, it would be desirable to have several, in order to overcome the problems represent one of them fails. By strategy, we can understand simply the exposure of a plan that ensures we achieve our objectives. Therefore, two important elements: strategy and goals we want to mark. Aimless strategy would be absurd, but without a strategy objectives to achieve them, not lead us to the desired situation. This is taught mainly in business schools, is valid for any aspect of life. And seduction is not immune to it.
is why, when seduced, we first need to do is set ourselves a target. Not wanting the same thing many casual to want to have a more durable relationship in time. Each objective requires a strategy.
Therefore, the first thing we have to ask when we have to seduce, is what kind of relationship we establish female (this blog is dedicated only to the seduction of people of different sex, for the simple reason that I ignore the idiosyncrasies of relationships homosexuals).

Once we have determined this, we will be the way to decide the right strategy to achieve our objectives. Dedicate this next posts.

Iva-w200 Wiring Diagram

Designing a strategy

In life, in any area is always important to have a strategy. Moreover, it would be desirable to have several, in order to overcome the problems represent one of them fails. By strategy, we can understand simply the exposure of a plan that ensures we achieve our objectives. Therefore, two important elements: strategy and goals we want to mark. Aimless strategy would be absurd, but without a strategy objectives to achieve them, not lead us to the desired situation. This is taught mainly in business schools, is valid for any aspect of life. And seduction is not immune to it.
is why, when seduced, we first need to do is set ourselves a target. Not wanting the same thing many casual to want to have a more durable relationship in time. Each objective requires a strategy.
Therefore, the first thing we have to ask when we have to seduce, is what kind of relationship we establish female (this blog is dedicated only to the seduction of people of different sex, for the simple reason that I ignore the idiosyncrasies of relationships homosexuals).

Once we have determined this, we will be the way to decide the right strategy to achieve our objectives. Dedicate this next posts.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chipped Shoulder Bone Injury

The why of your fears

All men have ever felt.
When approaching a woman with sexual intentions, especially if it is in a group at that time, not alone, the man certainly feels a typical nervousness of the situation, he wondered if it fails, be afraid rejected, ridiculed and even attacked by the group that is woman. This, you have some irrational fear, but as we will also explain the biology and evolution, is without doubt the biggest obstacle that may have a man to get a relationship, a partner, a sexual partner. To the extent that this situation will continue for years, and even, in extreme cases lead to the male (biologically speaking) not to mate ever.
But these fears, like almost any human behavior has a rationale, do not appear "out of nothing" or "because." Psychology well known and, at this point in the movie the origins of these fears.
Man, about a million years gatherers living in small groups and hunters. Well you could say that living in "tribes" is more modern societies still have some organization. In a tribe, not used to be many males, but not used to have many females. By nature, man has always avoided inbreeding by mating (the mutated genes are weak and if couples are close together in terms of inbreeding, and nature provided the raw genetic variety). Thus, males had to go out of their tribe to mate. But of course, males from neighboring tribes, not received with open arms males trying to mate with "their" females. On the other hand, put to the test females to males taking advantage of these disputes between them resulting from competition for mating. Because of their physical inferiority, females greatly interested them see for themselves, or otherwise, that the "applicants" were the fittest, in terms of survival, for mating.
These behaviors have survived to this day. Brain circuits that are still somehow "remember" this rivalry, the competition. Therefore, when a man tries to approach a woman to mate, the brain activates the alarm in the form of stress, nervousness, activation of adrenaline. The male must be prepared to repel a possible attack by other males, who compete with him to mate with that female. The male has to be aware that if it fails, is exposed to aggression by other males of the tribe (of the club, people, work ...). On the other hand, if the male fails in its purpose, will soon be ridiculed as much as by males as by females of both tribes, should be deterred from a further attempt by all means. Females in this way, they ensure that if I do not have what you need to have to be worthy of mating with them.
Nature does a great job. We should not believe that after a million years of evolution has stopped.

The next time you approach a woman with intent to seduce and sintáis nervousness, anxiety and stress, remember that everything works well, and that nature ensures that the plan is executed as planned. But do not let that separate you from your goal.

continue later with all these issues.

Chipped Shoulder Bone Injury

The why of your fears

All men have ever felt.
When approaching a woman with sexual intentions, especially if it is in a group at that time, not alone, the man certainly feels a typical nervousness of the situation, he wondered if it fails, be afraid rejected, ridiculed and even attacked by the group that is woman. This, you have some irrational fear, but as we will also explain the biology and evolution, is without doubt the biggest obstacle that may have a man to get a relationship, a partner, a sexual partner. To the extent that this situation will continue for years, and even, in extreme cases lead to the male (biologically speaking) not to mate ever.
But these fears, like almost any human behavior has a rationale, do not appear "out of nothing" or "because." Psychology well known and, at this point in the movie the origins of these fears.
Man, about a million years gatherers living in small groups and hunters. Well you could say that living in "tribes" is more modern societies still have some organization. In a tribe, not used to be many males, but not used to have many females. By nature, man has always avoided inbreeding by mating (the mutated genes are weak and if couples are close together in terms of inbreeding, and nature provided the raw genetic variety). Thus, males had to go out of their tribe to mate. But of course, males from neighboring tribes, not received with open arms males trying to mate with "their" females. On the other hand, put to the test females to males taking advantage of these disputes between them resulting from competition for mating. Because of their physical inferiority, females greatly interested them see for themselves, or otherwise, that the "applicants" were the fittest, in terms of survival, for mating.
These behaviors have survived to this day. Brain circuits that are still somehow "remember" this rivalry, the competition. Therefore, when a man tries to approach a woman to mate, the brain activates the alarm in the form of stress, nervousness, activation of adrenaline. The male must be prepared to repel a possible attack by other males, who compete with him to mate with that female. The male has to be aware that if it fails, is exposed to aggression by other males of the tribe (of the club, people, work ...). On the other hand, if the male fails in its purpose, will soon be ridiculed as much as by males as by females of both tribes, should be deterred from a further attempt by all means. Females in this way, they ensure that if I do not have what you need to have to be worthy of mating with them.
Nature does a great job. We should not believe that after a million years of evolution has stopped.

The next time you approach a woman with intent to seduce and sintáis nervousness, anxiety and stress, remember that everything works well, and that nature ensures that the plan is executed as planned. But do not let that separate you from your goal.

continue later with all these issues.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cliff Keen Signature Headgear Problems

Biological relevance and evolutionary bases of seduction

explores the idea that the foundations of seduction are biological.
And they are because for the evolution of humanity, reproduction is a vital issue for the species, and So nature has ensured that this aspect is well designed and works for the purposes for which there is: get a genetic diversity that allows the species to improve and survive as long as possible. The history of mankind is a story of survival in the middle, and this has played a key role the reproductive success of the strategy.
The human species is peculiar in nature. The human offspring can not even stand up at birth. This is not coincidence, this is the result of evolution. Our ancestors began walking upright, and therefore, females had no choice but to shake a little the pelvis to remain in this position. But babies as a result of brain growth in general and the neocortex in particualar increasingly born with the large skull. The nature arrived at a solution: human children would be born "premature." That is, had to do to be born smaller, to make an increasingly large head, passed through a hole shrinking. But the consequence was that a human could not defend himself up to pass many years after birth. Therefore, was to create a strategy to protect these helpless children early.
Nature, once again, he thought in terms of survival. The solution was simple: they had to get the father and the mother of that child to remain with him until he could defend himself. This is not true in many other species, in which parents leave their fate to the young almost immediately after birth. This meant that human couples should be together, at least five years. Beyond that, nature, as it has not designed any solution.
This explains the difference undisputed roles between men and women when it comes to seduction. And not just seduction, because, although feminists try to deny it, is proving The brains of men and women are different.
The woman tries to attract a man who offered protection to her and her children. The man is attracted by a woman who will ensure that their children will be healthy. This explains why men look at women, primarily, physical beauty (health security) and why women look for other things (to which we turn now) that ensure the safety and protection both for themselves as of their children.

continue to investigate in future posts on these matters.

Cliff Keen Signature Headgear Problems

Biological relevance and evolutionary bases of seduction

explores the idea that the foundations of seduction are biological.
And they are because for the evolution of humanity, reproduction is a vital issue for the species, and So nature has ensured that this aspect is well designed and works for the purposes for which there is: get a genetic diversity that allows the species to improve and survive as long as possible. The history of mankind is a story of survival in the middle, and this has played a key role the reproductive success of the strategy.
The human species is peculiar in nature. The human offspring can not even stand up at birth. This is not coincidence, this is the result of evolution. Our ancestors began walking upright, and therefore, females had no choice but to shake a little the pelvis to remain in this position. But babies as a result of brain growth in general and the neocortex in particualar increasingly born with the large skull. The nature arrived at a solution: human children would be born "premature." That is, had to do to be born smaller, to make an increasingly large head, passed through a hole shrinking. But the consequence was that a human could not defend himself up to pass many years after birth. Therefore, was to create a strategy to protect these helpless children early.
Nature, once again, he thought in terms of survival. The solution was simple: they had to get the father and the mother of that child to remain with him until he could defend himself. This is not true in many other species, in which parents leave their fate to the young almost immediately after birth. This meant that human couples should be together, at least five years. Beyond that, nature, as it has not designed any solution.
This explains the difference undisputed roles between men and women when it comes to seduction. And not just seduction, because, although feminists try to deny it, is proving The brains of men and women are different.
The woman tries to attract a man who offered protection to her and her children. The man is attracted by a woman who will ensure that their children will be healthy. This explains why men look at women, primarily, physical beauty (health security) and why women look for other things (to which we turn now) that ensure the safety and protection both for themselves as of their children.

continue to investigate in future posts on these matters.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Free Watch Mysore Mallege

A myth "almost" false false

There is a myth, popular belief that women are more attracted to men that "treated badly" by the "chulito spunky" for the "bad guys." Beyond being a widespread belief, is something that most men have seen in our own meat more than once. This time it's a half truth, and as we evolve in the techniques of seduction and female psychology, we will give account of why it is partially true that women may feel attracted to such men. But now we will delve into the reasons. Only

indicate, that for practical purposes, is scientifically proven that there Two profiles of men who like women. I mean psychological profiles, personality, not physical.
one hand, the man with a strong personality, who knows what he wants, sure of himself, which, after all, is almost always involve some "swagger." On the other hand, loving man, who likes to play with children, caring, protective, but in a softer, more tender.
has been shown that both psychological profiles to attract women.
But ... why seduction teachers focus on the strategy say more than "bad guy"? Well ... actually it should be ask them ... but I think why they do suspect. Keep in mind that as the title of this blog suggests, the masters of seduction, especially in this century have been used to fund strategies to keep their feet to get women in the shortest time possible. They have therefore chosen to use the side more "cheat sheet" of seduction. And the reason is clear, when a woman realizes that a man is psychologically what has been called "alpha male" or "dominant" is turned on in your brain a signal that says "this man knows what wants, and knows how to get it, though perhaps if it means using methods not very orthodox, that is, be a "bad guy" - so if it gets ugly, this man knows how to protect myself and my children. "It's as simple as that, we said that seduction, like all human behavior is based is early biological evolutionary survival. So evolution has given women a special smell to identify such men, with a component "aggressive", aggressive, in a sense not necessarily a negative, aggressive in a sense of survival .
And because of that, teachers have not bothered the other psychological profile that women value in men, because to see a woman that a man is good, caring, loving and tender, can not be achieved quickly. Because first, the woman, by nature, distrust of men, and think that is pretending to be all that, to take her to bed. As in fact, many men do.

Hence, as said earlier, the myth that only "alpha males" succeed with women, is only half true.

Here an interesting news about The World:

I would highlight the article, as he himself emphasizes, this kind of men succeed in getting a short-lived relationship with women. In my opinion as soon as she discovers this strategy in humans, it withdraws to continue it, seeing it threatened with the desire to get a couple stable enough to allow parenting.

Free Watch Mysore Mallege

A myth "almost" false false

There is a myth, popular belief that women are more attracted to men that "treated badly" by the "chulito spunky" for the "bad guys." Beyond being a widespread belief, is something that most men have seen in our own meat more than once. This time it's a half truth, and as we evolve in the techniques of seduction and female psychology, we will give account of why it is partially true that women may feel attracted to such men. But now we will delve into the reasons. Only

indicate, that for practical purposes, is scientifically proven that there Two profiles of men who like women. I mean psychological profiles, personality, not physical.
one hand, the man with a strong personality, who knows what he wants, sure of himself, which, after all, is almost always involve some "swagger." On the other hand, loving man, who likes to play with children, caring, protective, but in a softer, more tender.
has been shown that both psychological profiles to attract women.
But ... why seduction teachers focus on the strategy say more than "bad guy"? Well ... actually it should be ask them ... but I think why they do suspect. Keep in mind that as the title of this blog suggests, the masters of seduction, especially in this century have been used to fund strategies to keep their feet to get women in the shortest time possible. They have therefore chosen to use the side more "cheat sheet" of seduction. And the reason is clear, when a woman realizes that a man is psychologically what has been called "alpha male" or "dominant" is turned on in your brain a signal that says "this man knows what wants, and knows how to get it, though perhaps if it means using methods not very orthodox, that is, be a "bad guy" - so if it gets ugly, this man knows how to protect myself and my children. "It's as simple as that, we said that seduction, like all human behavior is based is early biological evolutionary survival. So evolution has given women a special smell to identify such men, with a component "aggressive", aggressive, in a sense not necessarily a negative, aggressive in a sense of survival .
And because of that, teachers have not bothered the other psychological profile that women value in men, because to see a woman that a man is good, caring, loving and tender, can not be achieved quickly. Because first, the woman, by nature, distrust of men, and think that is pretending to be all that, to take her to bed. As in fact, many men do.

Hence, as said earlier, the myth that only "alpha males" succeed with women, is only half true.

Here an interesting news about The World:

I would highlight the article, as he himself emphasizes, this kind of men succeed in getting a short-lived relationship with women. In my opinion as soon as she discovers this strategy in humans, it withdraws to continue it, seeing it threatened with the desire to get a couple stable enough to allow parenting.

Does Olive Oil Harm Skin

Myths and basic statement of intent

The art of flirting, seduce, contrary to what many think, not is a set of "beliefs" without foundation, or a mystery that only a few know, or something within reach of just a few. Knowledge is a set of arrangements that could be part of a science, in fact, in a sense they already are. The psychology and sociology, among other disciplines have studied the behavior, first of individuals alone, and another group of people. These Sciences, irrefutable conclusions have been reached, which can then be applied to the art of seduction, to which ordinary mortals the term "link". It is important to make that clear right from the start, because we are not going to give false hope to anyone, nor will we try to sell a bike that does not exist. But to get
any goal in life is vital information, know the terrain in which we operate is essential to achieve what we want.
So you have to first remove various myths, topics that "conventional wisdom" gives as good, and that science has proven to be false.
Today we are going to dedicate one of the most dangerous, one of those myths that provide for certain, we will seriously hamper the seduction. We are going to make it harder for something that I will comment at the end, and that is, if we take the wrong conclusions, it is unlikely to reach the results we want.

I mean the myth that beauty is subjective , and topical partner to bind the handsome more. Note that I intentionally wrote handsome, and not "beautiful" or "handsome / as", because man is not essential to physical atractivio to seduce, but obviously help.

And here is where science, psychology in particular. It has been demonstrated in numerous psychological and social studies, that there is a standard of beauty (male and female) consisting of a set of physical features that all cultures considered as beautiful, as beautiful as pleasing to the eye. This we know Psychologists for many years, novelty is that it also has demonstrated a pattern of beauty, regardless of different cultures and societies. It is therefore false, the idea of \u200b\u200bfeminists that female beauty is subjective, and that a woman is ugly or beautiful, depending on the man to watch. It is also false belief of today's society, that the media "create a false image of beautiful woman and man." It has been shown that the latter is false, what they've done the media, marketing ultimately is to identify which models of beauty that all men and women recognized as attractive, and then skillfully used to associate their products these models real beauty to psychological processes through well-known for a long, enhance and make pleasant their products to consumers.
therefore removed first myth. As common sense would tell us (not always right, but in this case yes) there are men and women who are more attractive to the opposite sex (or possibly the same, although that would be another matter) than the average. If this were not so, Britney Spears Monica Bellucci or simply attract both men, on average, as the homely bread from the supermarket, or that friend of yours that never finds a boyfriend, or like many others, we all know, are not attractive to men.
Sign on to describe what those traits that all men and women of the world recognize as attractive, but that, as we shall see, we is not relevant when considering the tactics of seduction, and is especially irrelevant to men, as we shall see. And it is because for a man is not essentially a physical attraction to attract women, as we will too, but time to time.

For me, the most important consequence of this research is that posed by the science of seduction as a science close to the Economy. Beautiful women, because there is an agreement among men as to which is beautiful and what is not, would, in economic terms a "scarce." That is, a well with a "heavy price" in the "market." And the consequence of all this, is that there will have to raise the science of seduction as a contest as a struggle between competitors to get that "good", that thing you want (said without any intention of considering women as an object: )). So many times, the lure will consist of something like marketing techniques (that will differentiate our "product" in the market). Hence the term has come to this popular, that to get certain things in life "we must know how to sell."

And that's what we're going to try to learn from here to differentiate, compete to move up the ranking, to achieve the goals that mark us with respect to relations with the opposite sex.

will move forward in the next post.


Does Olive Oil Harm Skin

Myths and basic statement of intent

The art of flirting, seduce, contrary to what many think, not is a set of "beliefs" without foundation, or a mystery that only a few know, or something within reach of just a few. Knowledge is a set of arrangements that could be part of a science, in fact, in a sense they already are. The psychology and sociology, among other disciplines have studied the behavior, first of individuals alone, and another group of people. These Sciences, irrefutable conclusions have been reached, which can then be applied to the art of seduction, to which ordinary mortals the term "link". It is important to make that clear right from the start, because we are not going to give false hope to anyone, nor will we try to sell a bike that does not exist. But to get
any goal in life is vital information, know the terrain in which we operate is essential to achieve what we want.
So you have to first remove various myths, topics that "conventional wisdom" gives as good, and that science has proven to be false.
Today we are going to dedicate one of the most dangerous, one of those myths that provide for certain, we will seriously hamper the seduction. We are going to make it harder for something that I will comment at the end, and that is, if we take the wrong conclusions, it is unlikely to reach the results we want.

I mean the myth that beauty is subjective , and topical partner to bind the handsome more. Note that I intentionally wrote handsome, and not "beautiful" or "handsome / as", because man is not essential to physical atractivio to seduce, but obviously help.

And here is where science, psychology in particular. It has been demonstrated in numerous psychological and social studies, that there is a standard of beauty (male and female) consisting of a set of physical features that all cultures considered as beautiful, as beautiful as pleasing to the eye. This we know Psychologists for many years, novelty is that it also has demonstrated a pattern of beauty, regardless of different cultures and societies. It is therefore false, the idea of \u200b\u200bfeminists that female beauty is subjective, and that a woman is ugly or beautiful, depending on the man to watch. It is also false belief of today's society, that the media "create a false image of beautiful woman and man." It has been shown that the latter is false, what they've done the media, marketing ultimately is to identify which models of beauty that all men and women recognized as attractive, and then skillfully used to associate their products these models real beauty to psychological processes through well-known for a long, enhance and make pleasant their products to consumers.
therefore removed first myth. As common sense would tell us (not always right, but in this case yes) there are men and women who are more attractive to the opposite sex (or possibly the same, although that would be another matter) than the average. If this were not so, Britney Spears Monica Bellucci or simply attract both men, on average, as the homely bread from the supermarket, or that friend of yours that never finds a boyfriend, or like many others, we all know, are not attractive to men.
Sign on to describe what those traits that all men and women of the world recognize as attractive, but that, as we shall see, we is not relevant when considering the tactics of seduction, and is especially irrelevant to men, as we shall see. And it is because for a man is not essentially a physical attraction to attract women, as we will too, but time to time.

For me, the most important consequence of this research is that posed by the science of seduction as a science close to the Economy. Beautiful women, because there is an agreement among men as to which is beautiful and what is not, would, in economic terms a "scarce." That is, a well with a "heavy price" in the "market." And the consequence of all this, is that there will have to raise the science of seduction as a contest as a struggle between competitors to get that "good", that thing you want (said without any intention of considering women as an object: )). So many times, the lure will consist of something like marketing techniques (that will differentiate our "product" in the market). Hence the term has come to this popular, that to get certain things in life "we must know how to sell."

And that's what we're going to try to learn from here to differentiate, compete to move up the ranking, to achieve the goals that mark us with respect to relations with the opposite sex.

will move forward in the next post.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kirkland Signature Chocolate Belgian Cups

As its name suggests, this blog, we will review all available information, both online and in print, or any other means, connected to the topic of the flirt, how to get sex fast, ie the call-in the jargon of the pick-up artists, "annhilation method." For

either not brought into this world of cruising, all these terms (pick-up, negs, openers, etc ...) can be confusing, because they give off a whiff of cheap and empty technicality. And the truth is that much money has been attempted at the expense of the suffering of people who have difficulty finding a partner. It is true that there are many scam artists throughout history have promised to reveal to their followers the secret of seduction (usually men). Work of this blog will also distinguish the wheat from the chaff, never better ... XD

However, the doctrines of the pick-up artist and all his followers, are the closest thing we have in present a "scientific method" to bind.

Throughout this post, you will discover all the secrets of how to link as the greatest masters of cruising the world (including the already well known for their nicknames as "Style", the journalist Neil Strauss, "" Michael D'Angelo "," Mystery "and many others), people who, believe it or not, have changed the lives of many others, and whose texts and teachings have shown many secrets of female behavior when seduction and pickup.

So in this blog, as a connoisseur of theories (proven in practice) of all these great teachers, try to create a forum to help other people achieve the end proposed to the opposite sex.

start when you want.

Kirkland Signature Chocolate Belgian Cups

As its name suggests, this blog, we will review all available information, both online and in print, or any other means, connected to the topic of the flirt, how to get sex fast, ie the call-in the jargon of the pick-up artists, "annhilation method." For

either not brought into this world of cruising, all these terms (pick-up, negs, openers, etc ...) can be confusing, because they give off a whiff of cheap and empty technicality. And the truth is that much money has been attempted at the expense of the suffering of people who have difficulty finding a partner. It is true that there are many scam artists throughout history have promised to reveal to their followers the secret of seduction (usually men). Work of this blog will also distinguish the wheat from the chaff, never better ... XD

However, the doctrines of the pick-up artist and all his followers, are the closest thing we have in present a "scientific method" to bind.

Throughout this post, you will discover all the secrets of how to link as the greatest masters of cruising the world (including the already well known for their nicknames as "Style", the journalist Neil Strauss, "" Michael D'Angelo "," Mystery "and many others), people who, believe it or not, have changed the lives of many others, and whose texts and teachings have shown many secrets of female behavior when seduction and pickup.

So in this blog, as a connoisseur of theories (proven in practice) of all these great teachers, try to create a forum to help other people achieve the end proposed to the opposite sex.

start when you want.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Diagram Of A Female Virgana


This year marks the 200 anniversary the birth of Charles Darwin authored one of the most important books of knowledge human: "The Origin of Species." In this book, published in 1859, Darwin, after many years of analysis put forward the theory of natural selection that governs the evolution. Publications and exhibitions in major science museums in the world will commemorate this event. all began in 1831 aboard the Beagle , a research vessel of the Royal Navy in which Darwin , with 22 years as a naturalist began a journey for five years along the coasts and islands South American continent. Particularly fortunate was the scale of the Beagle in the Galapagos Islands. A Darwin called attention among other things, the enormous variety of finches that populated the islands and found that descendants of a major type of finch . All these species have been differentiated during the long isolation as a result of variation in obtaining food and the appearance of better adapted individuals in the population. For the first time this book reconciled life in the past, reflected in the fossils paleontologists studying distinguished William Smith and present, explaining the evolutionary theory and diversity of life in a rational manner. Photo of start is in fact the first evolutionary scheme drawn by Darwin in 1837. Advances in genetics during the twentieth century and the demonstration of the universality of the genetic code that operates like an elephant in a bacterium, ended up supporting the idea of \u200b\u200bDarwin, as summarized in the hypothesis that life is associated with a common ancestor, a primitive cell that might arise on earth for billions of years and initiating a development to which we are still subjects. Darwin's theory has passed since its publication by different events, both from their fellow scientists, as some sectors of the Anglican Church who made a literal reading of the Bible. Darwin, despite the religious controversy aroused was buried in Westminster Abbey . Probably, as some historians, it was with his funeral to transfer to society the idea that science not only posed no danger to the moral values \u200b\u200bthat defend the religion, but it was also an increasingly important reality in the modern world. In this two hundredth anniversary we can also visit the grave of Darwin or Natural History Museum of London , consider what has led to his theory. Humans are the only ones who can appreciate the diversity of life and the fragility of ecosystems and are the only ones who have responsibility to preserve it.

Diagram Of A Female Virgana


This year marks the 200 anniversary the birth of Charles Darwin authored one of the most important books of knowledge human: "The Origin of Species." In this book, published in 1859, Darwin, after many years of analysis put forward the theory of natural selection that governs the evolution. Publications and exhibitions in major science museums in the world will commemorate this event. all began in 1831 aboard the Beagle , a research vessel of the Royal Navy in which Darwin , with 22 years as a naturalist began a journey for five years along the coasts and islands South American continent. Particularly fortunate was the scale of the Beagle in the Galapagos Islands. A Darwin called attention among other things, the enormous variety of finches that populated the islands and found that descendants of a major type of finch . All these species have been differentiated during the long isolation as a result of variation in obtaining food and the appearance of better adapted individuals in the population. For the first time this book reconciled life in the past, reflected in the fossils paleontologists studying distinguished William Smith and present, explaining the evolutionary theory and diversity of life in a rational manner. Photo of start is in fact the first evolutionary scheme drawn by Darwin in 1837. Advances in genetics during the twentieth century and the demonstration of the universality of the genetic code that operates like an elephant in a bacterium, ended up supporting the idea of \u200b\u200bDarwin, as summarized in the hypothesis that life is associated with a common ancestor, a primitive cell that might arise on earth for billions of years and initiating a development to which we are still subjects. Darwin's theory has passed since its publication by different events, both from their fellow scientists, as some sectors of the Anglican Church who made a literal reading of the Bible. Darwin, despite the religious controversy aroused was buried in Westminster Abbey . Probably, as some historians, it was with his funeral to transfer to society the idea that science not only posed no danger to the moral values \u200b\u200bthat defend the religion, but it was also an increasingly important reality in the modern world. In this two hundredth anniversary we can also visit the grave of Darwin or Natural History Museum of London , consider what has led to his theory. Humans are the only ones who can appreciate the diversity of life and the fragility of ecosystems and are the only ones who have responsibility to preserve it.