Monday, October 15, 2007

Sensitiveness During Period

RESCHEDULE may allow bacteria produce biofuels

Craig Venter is a pioneer researcher in genetics advances in recent years, mainly in regard to possible practical applications resulting from genome studies, both human and other beings alive. No doubt that this research is also controversial in many of the issues generated by their work. Recently Venter Institute in Rockville directing, near Washington DC, has shown two interesting results. The first few months is imbued with a certain self-centeredness, as published DNA sequence of Venter's own, in any case, hopefully can draw some general conclusions. The other result, no doubt more important, which publishes the journal Science this month, is the possibility of exchanging the genome of a bacterium by another different trasnsformando therefore one species into another. The impact of the latter are very importantes.Si DISCOVERY your computer does not work for what we do or slows down we can replace the hard disk, motherboard or operating system to suit our work. Something similar can be done with bacteria. Craig Venter's lab has introduced the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides in other species, Mycoplasma capricolum, doing something like a "reset" on bacteria receiving a new "operating system." The question is how much reprogramming is that possible?, Genomic sequences of bacteria have been used are equal only 76%, so the host cellular machinery to recognize a minimal amount of genes to develop their biology in these new conditions, this minimum is what Venter's team is analyzing. An interesting example of what this can mean bacterial reprogramming is as follows: cellulose is undoubtedly very difficult to break, so the trees remain upright long time, the bacterial species Clostridium cellulolyticum making can digest cellulose into glucose. However, another bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum butanol can convert glucose and other alcohols. It is not difficult to foresee that a bacterium that genes of both species combined in the proper proportion, do a good job converting cellulose into biofuel . Might be important for genomic engineering could help in principle, to rely less on fossil fuels, these results open the path.


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