Saturday, October 20, 2007

Brookstone Helicopter Does Not Fly


these have been known days through various means that the Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid is in a precarious situation. The museum has collections of nine million copies, including naturalized or stuffed animals, fossils and skeletons, besides numerous drawings and documents. Of this natural heritage, is only exposed in the museum by 1%, the rest remain in storage away from the museum and under unfavorable conditions for preservation. Its director is Alfonso Navas downplay the internal report contributed to this story.

In recent years museums have been created in Spain enormously important, both in nature artistic and scientific. The success of a museum is measured, in any event, the number of people visiting. To cite an example, the Science Museum Prince Felipe de Valencia , has received an average of 3 million visitors a year and the museum CosmoCaixa Barcelona, \u200b\u200bopened in 2004 and receives over two million. The number of 200,000 visitors annually the museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid is therefore far from average. Who is behind this museum?. Direct responsibility for its management carried out by a scientist, National Research Council , in which budget should not include a very bulky item to carry out the transformation that the museum seems to need. There is no doubt that conduct research of great interest, and highlights the museum's director, along with conservation work and documentation. In addition to budget problems, space problems also exist, in fact, the museum shares the building with the School of Industrial Engineers. Harnessing the axis provides the Castellana in Madrid, around other major museums should be taken into account, additionally, to involve the relevant authorities in the recovery of this natural heritage and modernization of one of the oldest museums in the


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