Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Resume For Alpha Kappa Alpha

"Gap" of sexual appetite, the controversy is served

The conclusions reached by the science does not always please everyone. Sometimes
not like anyone.
As always in this blog, we talk on evidence. Perhaps at some point make a post of references, or sources that I draw.
In this case, for clarity, I shall quote the source from the beginning.
I draw on the research of one of the world's leading neurophysiologists, if not the most. I refer to Louann Brizendine.
This prestigious scientific conclusions reached by their nature often have upset the feminists. But to deny the scientific findings is useless, is to deny reality, it would be like denying that gravity exists, and pretending to jump off a cliff hoping that will float in the air. Denying science in the end, it's dangerous, it is a bad idea, in short.
You can see an interesting interview with the scientist at the following link:

www.ciudaddelasideas.com (section Video)

The data that interests us is this: after a thorough study of sexual behaviors and American research shows the following information:

- The average American would have about 40 sexual partners his life.

- The average American would have about 2 pairs in the same period of time. BRUTAL

Note the "gap" between the desires of men and women.
I said. The data says that's the number of couples would like to have, which does not mean that they have. Expresses a wish.
When referring to "average American" and "average American" is referring to a statistical sense of the word. That is, the average number of partners was based on a representative statistical sample, in which the number of couples are the average of the sample, with their respective variance, standard deviation, mean, etc, etc ... But we technical details.

The conclusion from my point of view, is bleak. Far from considering it a kind of justification for changing partners by men, this huge gap in the desire, I consider it a source of problems for both men and women.

other hand, I give a biological sense. Due to the different gender roles and parenting, is found that the woman wants a number of partners is just to get the most number of "layers" below. Recall that for 99% of the time of existence of mankind, the life expectancy of humans was about 30 years. Then if the woman reaches sexual maturity at 15 years say, and at that time and are fertile, only had time to take about two "layers" of children (a pregnancy only lasts 9 months, but then you have to get these children survive at least another 5 until you are able to defend themselves). After 15 years +18 months + 10 years, gives us some 26.5 years. Nature always leaves a "margin of error" to ensure success, which would explain these 4 years "useless" from the reproductive point of view.
This research also provides light on the sexual and reproductive role of men. 40 pairs are desired. But it could have been 50, or 100, or 200. Man's role has been "spread" their genes as possible.
This is what nature designed for us to get here.

What would be desirable now, says Eduard Punset ... "I do not know"

still investigating.


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