Sunday, February 15, 2009

Leg Wax Can I Shower After

Why are more brilliant men than women?

Science just proved what many people suspected.
We have always wondered why more men than women Nobel prizes, or why in general there is less scientific renowned scientists.
few years ago, of course, was due to cultural factors, as they say feminists. But a few years now, with the effective equality of opportunity between men and women, this explanation has not proved sufficient.
Science, once again, has the answer.
The neurophysiologist Louann Brizendine, which already appeared in a previous post, has shown that these differences are based on different brain structures of men and women, which together generate a statistical effect that the scientist has called "tails phenomenon ". Do not make jokes with the name.
The phenomenon is that given any property, including intellectuals, men and women, if it leads to a statistical distribution, we note that for that particular property, all men will have a more variable distribution of "targeted", ie many more men than women score enough to very low levels to the very top of this feature. In other words, more men are doing something very good or very bad, compared to the number of women who do that same or very good or very bad. That is, taking an example, there will always be more men who scored high on intelligence tests than women. In contrast, there will be more men than women who score very low.
This may explain why today, Nobel prizes are to be granted more men than women, despite pressure from feminist lobys to implement positive discrimination. "

Regards, when you can try to upload a graphic to clarify concepts.


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