Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Cant Stay Awake After Dark

What women like men's?

course, basic question, Sam. Basic question
and basic answer, because it is very clear.
Without entering a particular case, something obviously impossible, women like men, in this order:

1) power, fame, money and other personal and situational characteristics that lead women to conclude that the man in question provides "security" and that man is "desirable" for both her and the rest of the women (a very important caveat, as we saw in the post about the pre-selection mechanism).

2) Personality attractive. This includes a sense of humor, intelligence, and characteristics of "alpha male."

3) physical attractiveness, ability to satisfy them sexually.

These three things that attract women to men obviously have a tremendous implication on the time ourselves the task of seducing a woman.

For me, there is one that stands apart. This is the first. This feature attracts men to women, is commonly misunderstood, precisely because it is taken from a male point of view or sexist, directly. The man, seeing that women are attracted by money and power, thinks the woman "sold" to the highest bidder. This is at least inaccurate, if we understand that women feel naturally attracted to such men, in the same way as men attracted to women beautiful, or, in the vernacular, some nice tits. From the female point of view, this could be interpreted as that man is "superficial" or who thinks certain parts of your body. But it is not right or in one case or another, since this is all part, simply, our genetic code. It is what we are, our biology, and we should not see it as any given the two sides do it with a kind of "malicious intent" when you leave your instinct.

All this, as will be understood, has a great impact on relationships, a topic that I would aboradar soon.

I have concluded that this new "gap" between what attracts a man and what attracts a woman, greatly harms women in general.
But I'll save that for another entry.

comes across a related article on:

Entry "Women love and the paradigm "of October 16, 2008.
Note that the phenomenon that describes the input, is partly explained by the theory advanced here.

I Cant Stay Awake After Dark

What women like men's?

course, basic question, Sam. Basic question
and basic answer, because it is very clear.
Without entering a particular case, something obviously impossible, women like men, in this order:

1) power, fame, money and other personal and situational characteristics that lead women to conclude that the man in question provides "security" and that man is "desirable" for both her and the rest of the women (a very important caveat, as we saw in the post about the pre-selection mechanism).

2) Personality attractive. This includes a sense of humor, intelligence, and characteristics of "alpha male."

3) physical attractiveness, ability to satisfy them sexually.

These three things that attract women to men obviously have a tremendous implication on the time ourselves the task of seducing a woman.

For me, there is one that stands apart. This is the first. This feature attracts men to women, is commonly misunderstood, precisely because it is taken from a male point of view or sexist, directly. The man, seeing that women are attracted by money and power, thinks the woman "sold" to the highest bidder. This is at least inaccurate, if we understand that women feel naturally attracted to such men, in the same way as men attracted to women beautiful, or, in the vernacular, some nice tits. From the female point of view, this could be interpreted as that man is "superficial" or who thinks certain parts of your body. But it is not right or in one case or another, since this is all part, simply, our genetic code. It is what we are, our biology, and we should not see it as any given the two sides do it with a kind of "malicious intent" when you leave your instinct.

All this, as will be understood, has a great impact on relationships, a topic that I would aboradar soon.

I have concluded that this new "gap" between what attracts a man and what attracts a woman, greatly harms women in general.
But I'll save that for another entry.

comes across a related article on:

Entry "Women love and the paradigm "of October 16, 2008.
Note that the phenomenon that describes the input, is partly explained by the theory advanced here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Leg Wax Can I Shower After

Why are more brilliant men than women?

Science just proved what many people suspected.
We have always wondered why more men than women Nobel prizes, or why in general there is less scientific renowned scientists.
few years ago, of course, was due to cultural factors, as they say feminists. But a few years now, with the effective equality of opportunity between men and women, this explanation has not proved sufficient.
Science, once again, has the answer.
The neurophysiologist Louann Brizendine, which already appeared in a previous post, has shown that these differences are based on different brain structures of men and women, which together generate a statistical effect that the scientist has called "tails phenomenon ". Do not make jokes with the name.
The phenomenon is that given any property, including intellectuals, men and women, if it leads to a statistical distribution, we note that for that particular property, all men will have a more variable distribution of "targeted", ie many more men than women score enough to very low levels to the very top of this feature. In other words, more men are doing something very good or very bad, compared to the number of women who do that same or very good or very bad. That is, taking an example, there will always be more men who scored high on intelligence tests than women. In contrast, there will be more men than women who score very low.
This may explain why today, Nobel prizes are to be granted more men than women, despite pressure from feminist lobys to implement positive discrimination. "

Regards, when you can try to upload a graphic to clarify concepts.

Leg Wax Can I Shower After

Why are more brilliant men than women?

Science just proved what many people suspected.
We have always wondered why more men than women Nobel prizes, or why in general there is less scientific renowned scientists.
few years ago, of course, was due to cultural factors, as they say feminists. But a few years now, with the effective equality of opportunity between men and women, this explanation has not proved sufficient.
Science, once again, has the answer.
The neurophysiologist Louann Brizendine, which already appeared in a previous post, has shown that these differences are based on different brain structures of men and women, which together generate a statistical effect that the scientist has called "tails phenomenon ". Do not make jokes with the name.
The phenomenon is that given any property, including intellectuals, men and women, if it leads to a statistical distribution, we note that for that particular property, all men will have a more variable distribution of "targeted", ie many more men than women score enough to very low levels to the very top of this feature. In other words, more men are doing something very good or very bad, compared to the number of women who do that same or very good or very bad. That is, taking an example, there will always be more men who scored high on intelligence tests than women. In contrast, there will be more men than women who score very low.
This may explain why today, Nobel prizes are to be granted more men than women, despite pressure from feminist lobys to implement positive discrimination. "

Regards, when you can try to upload a graphic to clarify concepts.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Swim Sharks When Menstruating

models and standards of beauty

comes to my link, I would like to discuss.
is an example of the misinformation and fallacies that exist on the subject, created mainly by feminist journalists in order to sell magazines.

is not true, as I have said on more than one occasion, that beauty is subjective.
is half true half false in nature are the males who are more "beauty" (arguably, because the beauty of the cat's seen the cat) because it depends on the species and the appreciation (in this case if subjective) of humans.
is absolutely false that the sexsymbols the past are now not only be sufficient to 10 men now ask that you think Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren (when I was young, of course).


Swim Sharks When Menstruating

models and standards of beauty

comes to my link, I would like to discuss.
is an example of the misinformation and fallacies that exist on the subject, created mainly by feminist journalists in order to sell magazines.

is not true, as I have said on more than one occasion, that beauty is subjective.
is half true half false in nature are the males who are more "beauty" (arguably, because the beauty of the cat's seen the cat) because it depends on the species and the appreciation (in this case if subjective) of humans.
is absolutely false that the sexsymbols the past are now not only be sufficient to 10 men now ask that you think Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren (when I was young, of course).


Friday, February 6, 2009

Can I Bake Lasagna Without Foil?

The mechanism of pre

is also almost a myth, something we've all heard of. Women who are related to many men, have a bad reputation, men who are related to many women, do not have both, even enjoy a certain reputation, both among men and women (even feminists try to deny it or say that this is the result of a "culture" male).
The fact proven by science, is that this kind of perception than the same attitude by men and women, is nearly always a biological basis. This base is what we noted in a previous post. Is none other than the fact that the reproductive role of women, is to select the genetically fittest males to mate with them, and ensure that the male is able to deliver the couple's future children.
That is why, for the woman, the fact that a man has had many relationships, it is a sign that the man must have something good, something like it and love to many women, ie women is aware that a man is successful with women, think that this success is a guarantee that meets the necessary conditions: it has good genes, and is capable of raising children.
Finally, after all, many women are saying the same thing can not be wrong. And as the saying so are of the same gender, that's more security if possible.
Hence the man who has had success with a woman, it's easier to have with other women. This
has been called "the pre-screening mechanism." Which is neither more nor less than that, a man that shows you have been attractive to one or more other women, immediately becomes more attractive in the minds of other women.

This obviously has major implications for seduction.

Can I Bake Lasagna Without Foil?

The mechanism of pre

is also almost a myth, something we've all heard of. Women who are related to many men, have a bad reputation, men who are related to many women, do not have both, even enjoy a certain reputation, both among men and women (even feminists try to deny it or say that this is the result of a "culture" male).
The fact proven by science, is that this kind of perception than the same attitude by men and women, is nearly always a biological basis. This base is what we noted in a previous post. Is none other than the fact that the reproductive role of women, is to select the genetically fittest males to mate with them, and ensure that the male is able to deliver the couple's future children.
That is why, for the woman, the fact that a man has had many relationships, it is a sign that the man must have something good, something like it and love to many women, ie women is aware that a man is successful with women, think that this success is a guarantee that meets the necessary conditions: it has good genes, and is capable of raising children.
Finally, after all, many women are saying the same thing can not be wrong. And as the saying so are of the same gender, that's more security if possible.
Hence the man who has had success with a woman, it's easier to have with other women. This
has been called "the pre-screening mechanism." Which is neither more nor less than that, a man that shows you have been attractive to one or more other women, immediately becomes more attractive in the minds of other women.

This obviously has major implications for seduction.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gay Clubs In Nj 18tuesday


Just three days after the solemn oath of U.S. President Barack Obama, the agency (FDA ) regulating the use of drugs in that country, as a division within the Department of Health, announced the approval of the first clinical trial Phase I aimed to assess the efficacy of embryonic stem cells implanted in SCI. Despite the similarities, this announcement should be seen as a triumph of science, not politics. Clinical research that will begin this summer will tell if the treatment is effective or not and especially if you have adequate safeguards for the patient.
This first clinical trial has its first record in the work of James A. Thomson University of Wisconsin in 1998 published in the journal Science. In his research Thomson described the derivation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells human from blastocysts resulting from processes of in vitro fertilization . This work led him to establish several lines of human embryonic cells that despite Bush's restrictions, could be used for basic research with federal funds. Subsequently, the most important works that support this first clinical trial group are due to Hans S. Keirstead at the University of California. This group demonstrated in 2005 that embryonic cells of a lines established by Thomson, the line H7 was able after 42 days of culture controlled with high efficiency to differentiate into oligodendrocyte precursors . This cell line allows synthesize myelin membranes that surround the axons allowing nerve conduction, responsible among other things, the movement of our muscles. The cell population, resulting from the process of differentiation in culture, lacked the other hand, marking of undifferentiated cells that may be responsible, ultimately, the formation of tumors after implants. When they injected the cells obtained from bone marrow Both in transgenic mice devoid of myelin, and more recently in rats that had experienced an acute spinal cord injury, demonstrated the re-myelination of axons and partly damaged, the recovery of locomotor parameters. As argued by the promoters of this study, there is no perfect clinical trial to begin with an assessment of these characteristics, the important thing is what the results tell us in the future. We all remember the actor Christopher Reeve , the star in the Superman movies, who spent the last years of his life in a wheelchair after an accident that fractured his spinal cord in the area cervical. The actor was a tireless advocate for the use of embryonic cells and without doubt the hope of many people as he suffers a spinal cord injury depends on the progress of these studies. In any case, this is a specific test for a particular type of application of embryonic stem cells. The regenerative medicine is just beginning.

Gay Clubs In Nj 18tuesday


Just three days after the solemn oath of U.S. President Barack Obama, the agency (FDA ) regulating the use of drugs in that country, as a division within the Department of Health, announced the approval of the first clinical trial Phase I aimed to assess the efficacy of embryonic stem cells implanted in SCI. Despite the similarities, this announcement should be seen as a triumph of science, not politics. Clinical research that will begin this summer will tell if the treatment is effective or not and especially if you have adequate safeguards for the patient.
This first clinical trial has its first record in the work of James A. Thomson University of Wisconsin in 1998 published in the journal Science. In his research Thomson described the derivation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells human from blastocysts resulting from processes of in vitro fertilization . This work led him to establish several lines of human embryonic cells that despite Bush's restrictions, could be used for basic research with federal funds. Subsequently, the most important works that support this first clinical trial group are due to Hans S. Keirstead at the University of California. This group demonstrated in 2005 that embryonic cells of a lines established by Thomson, the line H7 was able after 42 days of culture controlled with high efficiency to differentiate into oligodendrocyte precursors . This cell line allows synthesize myelin membranes that surround the axons allowing nerve conduction, responsible among other things, the movement of our muscles. The cell population, resulting from the process of differentiation in culture, lacked the other hand, marking of undifferentiated cells that may be responsible, ultimately, the formation of tumors after implants. When they injected the cells obtained from bone marrow Both in transgenic mice devoid of myelin, and more recently in rats that had experienced an acute spinal cord injury, demonstrated the re-myelination of axons and partly damaged, the recovery of locomotor parameters. As argued by the promoters of this study, there is no perfect clinical trial to begin with an assessment of these characteristics, the important thing is what the results tell us in the future. We all remember the actor Christopher Reeve , the star in the Superman movies, who spent the last years of his life in a wheelchair after an accident that fractured his spinal cord in the area cervical. The actor was a tireless advocate for the use of embryonic cells and without doubt the hope of many people as he suffers a spinal cord injury depends on the progress of these studies. In any case, this is a specific test for a particular type of application of embryonic stem cells. The regenerative medicine is just beginning.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Resume For Alpha Kappa Alpha

"Gap" of sexual appetite, the controversy is served

The conclusions reached by the science does not always please everyone. Sometimes
not like anyone.
As always in this blog, we talk on evidence. Perhaps at some point make a post of references, or sources that I draw.
In this case, for clarity, I shall quote the source from the beginning.
I draw on the research of one of the world's leading neurophysiologists, if not the most. I refer to Louann Brizendine.
This prestigious scientific conclusions reached by their nature often have upset the feminists. But to deny the scientific findings is useless, is to deny reality, it would be like denying that gravity exists, and pretending to jump off a cliff hoping that will float in the air. Denying science in the end, it's dangerous, it is a bad idea, in short.
You can see an interesting interview with the scientist at the following link: (section Video)

The data that interests us is this: after a thorough study of sexual behaviors and American research shows the following information:

- The average American would have about 40 sexual partners his life.

- The average American would have about 2 pairs in the same period of time. BRUTAL

Note the "gap" between the desires of men and women.
I said. The data says that's the number of couples would like to have, which does not mean that they have. Expresses a wish.
When referring to "average American" and "average American" is referring to a statistical sense of the word. That is, the average number of partners was based on a representative statistical sample, in which the number of couples are the average of the sample, with their respective variance, standard deviation, mean, etc, etc ... But we technical details.

The conclusion from my point of view, is bleak. Far from considering it a kind of justification for changing partners by men, this huge gap in the desire, I consider it a source of problems for both men and women.

other hand, I give a biological sense. Due to the different gender roles and parenting, is found that the woman wants a number of partners is just to get the most number of "layers" below. Recall that for 99% of the time of existence of mankind, the life expectancy of humans was about 30 years. Then if the woman reaches sexual maturity at 15 years say, and at that time and are fertile, only had time to take about two "layers" of children (a pregnancy only lasts 9 months, but then you have to get these children survive at least another 5 until you are able to defend themselves). After 15 years +18 months + 10 years, gives us some 26.5 years. Nature always leaves a "margin of error" to ensure success, which would explain these 4 years "useless" from the reproductive point of view.
This research also provides light on the sexual and reproductive role of men. 40 pairs are desired. But it could have been 50, or 100, or 200. Man's role has been "spread" their genes as possible.
This is what nature designed for us to get here.

What would be desirable now, says Eduard Punset ... "I do not know"

still investigating.

Resume For Alpha Kappa Alpha

"Gap" of sexual appetite, the controversy is served

The conclusions reached by the science does not always please everyone. Sometimes
not like anyone.
As always in this blog, we talk on evidence. Perhaps at some point make a post of references, or sources that I draw.
In this case, for clarity, I shall quote the source from the beginning.
I draw on the research of one of the world's leading neurophysiologists, if not the most. I refer to Louann Brizendine.
This prestigious scientific conclusions reached by their nature often have upset the feminists. But to deny the scientific findings is useless, is to deny reality, it would be like denying that gravity exists, and pretending to jump off a cliff hoping that will float in the air. Denying science in the end, it's dangerous, it is a bad idea, in short.
You can see an interesting interview with the scientist at the following link: (section Video)

The data that interests us is this: after a thorough study of sexual behaviors and American research shows the following information:

- The average American would have about 40 sexual partners his life.

- The average American would have about 2 pairs in the same period of time. BRUTAL

Note the "gap" between the desires of men and women.
I said. The data says that's the number of couples would like to have, which does not mean that they have. Expresses a wish.
When referring to "average American" and "average American" is referring to a statistical sense of the word. That is, the average number of partners was based on a representative statistical sample, in which the number of couples are the average of the sample, with their respective variance, standard deviation, mean, etc, etc ... But we technical details.

The conclusion from my point of view, is bleak. Far from considering it a kind of justification for changing partners by men, this huge gap in the desire, I consider it a source of problems for both men and women.

other hand, I give a biological sense. Due to the different gender roles and parenting, is found that the woman wants a number of partners is just to get the most number of "layers" below. Recall that for 99% of the time of existence of mankind, the life expectancy of humans was about 30 years. Then if the woman reaches sexual maturity at 15 years say, and at that time and are fertile, only had time to take about two "layers" of children (a pregnancy only lasts 9 months, but then you have to get these children survive at least another 5 until you are able to defend themselves). After 15 years +18 months + 10 years, gives us some 26.5 years. Nature always leaves a "margin of error" to ensure success, which would explain these 4 years "useless" from the reproductive point of view.
This research also provides light on the sexual and reproductive role of men. 40 pairs are desired. But it could have been 50, or 100, or 200. Man's role has been "spread" their genes as possible.
This is what nature designed for us to get here.

What would be desirable now, says Eduard Punset ... "I do not know"

still investigating.