Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cartier Modelo 20-61323

Educational micro

In the dynamics of today, April 16, we have worked micropolítica.En the issue of which the teacher assigned us a number of pregunatas for each group.
We assigned the following:

  • Does this mean that you can change the teaching and learning processes in educational organizations, thanks to technology?

Today we must face the daunting task of improving teaching of sciences to meet the demands and challenges of a globalized economy. Classrooms in the region must be transformed into learning centers open offer science programs based on practice, thinking and reality. The information technology modern, if used properly, offer all the potential to be grow to the forefront of science education y. For this purpose, is creating and implementing a network of virtual education using the latest concepts and ideas distance education, advanced technologies and appropriate modes of connectivity.

This environment becomes more important every day, because to be active in the new social space will require new knowledge and skills must be learned in educational processes.

New information technologies and communications are transforming society , and in particular the educational process.


digital networks are part of that social change, but we must take into account many technologies aids.

The phone , radio and television , money electronic, telematic networks, multimedia technologies and reality virtual are technologies to consider.

The Pedagogy education talks the media , media literacy and information literacy.

New technologies enable the construction of a new social space.

This transformation is important enough for it to be compared with the great revolutions techniques as writing, printing, that transformed education.

The right to universal education has to be expanded because social spaces have been expanded. The truth is that the emerging digital environment requires designing new educational actions complementary to existing ones.

not enough to teach reading, writing and math, in addition to introducing basic knowledge of history , literature and science. All this is necessary and will remain in the natural and urban spaces in which traditionally has developed social life.


The globalization has been favored and is accompanied by a broad and vigorous technological development, linked especially to the so-called "new information" and internet, but it is not technology itself. Which, unfortunately, too often confused.

however, is practically available to any person or institution a set of tools of hardware and software to support individual and organizational activity in the context of an overall concept. The convergence of the technological means (as opposed to the concept, which seem to tend toward diversity), the integration of services such as telecommunications, cable television and the Internet promise a platform strong for the foreseeable future.

Globalization has allowed, and often has promoted a radical change in the conception of "education", associated with expressions like "information age" The "information superhighway", or "knowledge society ."

Today more than ever, we can perceive the limitations of the formal education focused on teaching, focusing on the "physical classroom " and with an instructor before. Approach still prevalent in many countries. When a student knows of other environments and people, how they live, what they think, what problems faced, how similar or different it is from them, and discover how easy it is to achieve this, the lessons of anatomy or cold equations of second-degree fall under its own weight. Perhaps it is premature to draw conclusions, but no one can deny the power and educational value of a tool as simple as e-mail to link and integrate people.

global education requires a major attitudinal change in people at the same time a change in policy in institutions, especially in education and in government.


that reluctantly, shyly governments increase financial resources for the so-called education sector. " Therein lies the problem, education is conceived as a "sector" that now requires more money than before. There is a linear explanation insufficient. Investing in education (instruction to be more precise) of children today to learn what society will need them tomorrow.

The information should be disseminated to students, for example, can not continue spreading through the "classroom teacher" labor para la cual los maestros y cualquier otro profesional, cada día, son menos competentes. El enfoque de "centro educativo", donde se sostuvo siempre que era posible "encontrar" o tener acceso a todos los "recursos educativos" necesarios para la formación del alumno, hoy es obsoleto. Pues los recursos educativos actuales se hallan en la vida cotidiana y distribuidos por el mundo.

Incluso el rol de "facilitador" o "mediador" que parece ahora rescatarse para el maestro, puede ser insuficiente o erróneamente formulado, cuando la "educación" escapa a las "escuelas", cuando los niños -y los mayores también- aprenden y se forman en la vida cotidiana, en el hogar, in the street, television in work ... Internet.


Among the most obvious benefits that media make to society is access to culture and education, technological advances and benefits which involves the era of communication we live show a balance and extremely positive forecasts. No But some experts have stressed that there must be a relationship between the information provided and the assimilative capacity of the same by the people. It is therefore desirable proper education on the use of these powerful media.

Knowledge changes the world, and our world is changing with the speed of knowledge


. So just managed to say that our time is different is why education must rethink their goals , its goals, teaching pedagogies and if he wants to fulfill its mission in century, providing satisfiers to the needs of man , says Bill Gates in the future brings "The same technological forces that will make much needed learning , will make pleasant and practical. Corporations are reinventing themselves in around the opportunities created by technology information, schools also have to do it. "

The virtuality of knowledge is not a know-less, or a know-peor. Nor does a knowledge-of-segundogrado or second category. Before it corresponds to a transformation of the processes by which we learn, notes (notes) and explain the world, processes that are in tune with and dependence on level of development of technological means of the current historical moment.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to design new scenarios and educational activities, that is, propose a specific educational policy for the cyber environment. Although the right to universal education is fully realized only in some countries, which is why we must continue developing education and literacy activities in the real environment. This requires designing new educational activities.

We should aim to train people so they can perform effectively in the various scenarios in this environment. Therefore, in addition to applying new technologies to education, must be designed with all new educational settings where students can learn to move and intervene in the new telematic space.

virtual educational networks are the basic units of the new educational system, which includes design and construction of new learning scenarios, developing tools educational programs and training of teachers specialized in teaching the new social space.

educational Interrelationships real or natural environments tend to be classroom study are based on the neighborhood or proximity between the actors and partners and require spatial and temporal coincidence of those involved in them.

However, virtual space, which now is the best example Internet network, not face, but representational, not proximal, distal, but is not synchronous, but asynchronous, and no based on spatial enclosures with internal outer border, but depends on electronic networks whose nodes of interaction may be scattered in different places.

In the new millennium, such networks are the most developed expression of the virtual environment due to its nature multimedia very important educational purposes, and the degree of interactivity.

new technologies have emerged memorization, file and documentation and virtual reality opens up new possibilities for the development of perceptual and sensory processes.

Through electronic networks can telecommute, entertain, investigate and make art , among other things. The virtual environment is a new social space for social activities can take place in networks, not only in households, institutions or companies .

By supporting specific educational policy for the virtual aulística is not intended to substitute that already takes place in modern society. Universities and schools continue to exist.

What may happen is that the centers Academics were overlapping digital education networks through which they develop educational processes of the virtual environment, complementary to real environments.

The right to universal education has to be expanded, because the social spaces have been expanded. The truth is that the emerging digital environment requires designing new educational activities, complementary to existing ones.

changes are looming and will others who do not even imagine. We must prepare for this new environment full of opportunities but also uncertainties. Technology and telecommunications in all its forms change the way we live, work, produce, communicate, buy, sell. The whole environment is very different. The big challenge will be to prepare and learn to live in this new environment. Given all this dynamics, the education system is a major challenge. Should question itself, rethink their principles and objectives, reinvent their teaching methods and organizational systems. Have to rethink the concept of the pupil - teacher and same process of learning, the curriculum also critically review mental models have inspired the development of education systems.

Therefore, the need to repeat over and over again, ad nauseam, some of the ideas

innovative on which a consensus has been achieved over the years, but with very poor results even in the educational system, from kindergarten to college.

For example: the autonomy of schools, the quality in teaching all aspects interdisciplinary especially in higher education, full and appropriate use of new technologies in learning, vocational training after each level of education in addition to a strong general education that is available for life, or education " learning to be, to do, to live and live together "are all part of that long list of numerous attempts to renovators, loaded with frequent frustrations for those who have dedicated ourselves to these matters in our professional lives, especially during the last three decades .

Hence the increasingly widespread concern in search of a new educational paradigm eve of the century. This profound rethinking can not be undertaken by the education system as a whole nor by unregulated levels or modes. The profound transformation has to happen this time from the bottom up, from a total conversion of each of the schools, from a change in attitudes and

approaches by teachers and from responsible commitment of each of the Dicent or students, ie those who are the real "customers " the learning process, according to the language and prevailing mentality inspired by the principles of free economy or social market.

century society surely reaffirm that learning is the most important source of wealth and welfare, ability to compete and cooperate in peace. Consequently, each school has to begin by accepting the need to become a competitive organization to facilitate learning personal and collective before the century.

The greatest effort should be dedicated today, therefore, to design institutions really capable and willing to evolve to adapt their media to new social and individual needs with a view to the future, from the dual need to establish a suitable size or critical, as well as versatile enough level to ensure a supply integral . Such institutions, if they pursue with determination a total quality deserve maximum autonomy and increased private and public support as possible, but within a common framework to ensure maximum harmony and greater efficiency .


live in a period of transition from an industrial society and information society. Schools as we know are designed to prepare people to live in an industrial society. Educational systems prepare people for a place in society in imitation of the factories and offices of an industrial society.

Every day, worldwide, young people use bicycles, buses, cars or trains to go to school , exactly what will later go to work. It is assumed that they will have sign at a specific time and learn to work in the classroom desks that are exactly equal to the offices of the industry and trade . The way it is administered time, which divided the subjects for study and schools are organized as bureaucracies are anticipations of life after school. When the bell rings to end the school day, students run away to travel home, exactly what the workers in factories and offices about an hour later.

An industrial society depends physical movement of people and goods , so fundamental technological infrastructure is the railway, roads, sea and air transport. The fundamental technological infrastructure of an information society is, however, the telecommunications network. To prepare people to live in an information society, we need an educational system that is based on telecommunications and not trade.

Today, if you talk to someone who is not present, we have two choices represent different ways of doing things in an industrial society and a society of information: go see him or call him. Using a transmission or a telephone network.

is rare to have a similar choice in education. If you have to attend a class must travel to the classroom. The education needs an alternative. Students and teachers should be able to have the option to assemble for instruction through telecommunications or transportation. "

This is precisely the logic underlying the development of educational programs on the Internet: New Technologies have an a priori choice between classroom education and virtual education.


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