Wednesday, November 7, 2007

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educational organizations "AFTER" IN

The type of space in child development

One of the factors that shape our personality is space. Along with time as existential coordinates on which sits a man's life. The space is three dimensional, has things going arming of objects. Have funds, plans and prospects. It also has motion. We are space beings. Where have gone the three dimensions? Common to the three axes that cross the man, leading his six poles referencia.Estas capital dimensions are not interchangeable, forming the "personal space>." We are interested in reflecting on the educational implications is the fact that the man is a space that is immersed in more physical, psychological and social.

types of spaces

Physical : space fetal infant space, domestic space, location and space motril
Psychological : sensory space, emotional space, social space, living space, space aesthetic, religious ...

Classification of different spaces within the school

· spaces authority: are places where it is clear who has the authority, power, at any center. The fact that there are offices, a good furniture (tables, chairs, computers, shelves, etc..) Cleaning different attention to the rest of the building, something that is not very educational, and respectful to students, which main part of the teaching-learning process that develops in the field of education.

· gender spaces: Those places are in schools that make a clear distinction between women and men, referring to the decoration of these spaces.
As an example, we find in the utilities, sinks and mirrors for the students, and greater protection of visibility in showers of them than of boys, although we can say that in many schools these distinctions are disappearing. In one approach to college, you may find yourself out of the services of both girls and boys, birth control (for them / as) and tampax or pads (for them), hence we take special care when to develop an educational space, and discrimination that can occur.

· leisure spaces: patios, recreation areas (... as it is called in the LOGSE, recreation), playgrounds, game rooms, gyms, have an extension, a zoning and a peculiar use in each center. All these places are used fairly. We are what is called soccer field for children, and reality is a playground for everyone, so the girls have to depart from the field, without actually working out for the mere fact that children imposed, as is the case in the recess. Unfortunately, this is still happening in school.

· meeting spaces: are those places where the general interviews, meetings, cloisters, secretaries, etc., Life in the middle. We have mentioned and to record that many schools unfortunately do not have where do these types of talks, which establishes a conversation with the parents of families with any problems that may have occurred, or no more to learn about how your child in the center, to cite one example.

· work spaces: First, make mention of the classrooms as spaces where the teaching-learning process: But there are, fortunately, other places where people work, for example, laboratory, usually a large space with materials that you might not even get to use.
Another place, the library, where people go to study, research, read, review, etc., in which one must remain silent to avoid disturbing others, so that educational institutions should be taught discipline.
Among others, the Assembly Hall or the computer room (virtual classroom) where the student will be formed in the face of new technologies.

· mobility spaces: are those spaces that may or may not develop the teaching-learning process, but only the movement that made the people who make this educational space can open or close borders to be establish this process. We can frame here, which has come to be known as open school, open to other environments, environments, etc.. As such, the contact with nature, cultural excursions (theater, museum, cinema, etc..), All those roads that can be set either inside or outside the classroom.

· diversity spaces: Those areas that do not take into account that we are different and no one is perfect, and similar spaces to the general, without considering lateral tilt as some people change ( left-handed), people with disabilities who have the same right as any other to be able to upload to the library and do not have a ramp, etc.

spaces hidden side: Are those

places that are hidden behind the curriculum, which are not seen as an example we have the room of students, teachers can have a room, but in many schools escape these rooms to other players in the educational process.


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