Friday, April 15, 2011

Great Clips Color Atlanta

Scientists Call Campus

The English Foundation for Science and Technology and Ministry of Education with the collaboration of 20 Campus of Excellence Regional and international support Obra Social "la Caixa", implement the 2 nd edition of the Summer Science Campus, led to 1200 students in 4 º ESO 1 º de Bachillerato.

For fourteen days the students will be in contact with scientific research, participating in two projects of scientific approach especially designed for them by university professors and secondary schools. The program will also include scientific activities - cultural activities (lectures, visits to museums and science centers ...) and leisure (sports and excursions to places of interest)

Filing Applications will remain open until May 13, 2011 at 13:00 pm (hours GMT). In the following website can find more information with full details of the program.

If in doubt, contact


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