Thursday, April 28, 2011

Skipatrol The Movie Quotes

Chemistry and Society newsletter. April / 2011

monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of April 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, articles are available:
  • Ask
  • Paint container lower fuel consumption
  • To better enjoy the city

Skipatrol The Movie Quotes

Chemistry and Society newsletter. April / 2011

monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of April 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, articles are available:
  • Ask
  • Paint container lower fuel consumption
  • To better enjoy the city

Friday, April 15, 2011

Great Clips Color Atlanta

Scientists Call Campus

The English Foundation for Science and Technology and Ministry of Education with the collaboration of 20 Campus of Excellence Regional and international support Obra Social "la Caixa", implement the 2 nd edition of the Summer Science Campus, led to 1200 students in 4 º ESO 1 º de Bachillerato.

For fourteen days the students will be in contact with scientific research, participating in two projects of scientific approach especially designed for them by university professors and secondary schools. The program will also include scientific activities - cultural activities (lectures, visits to museums and science centers ...) and leisure (sports and excursions to places of interest)

Filing Applications will remain open until May 13, 2011 at 13:00 pm (hours GMT). In the following website can find more information with full details of the program.

If in doubt, contact

Great Clips Color Atlanta

Scientists Call Campus

The English Foundation for Science and Technology and Ministry of Education with the collaboration of 20 Campus of Excellence Regional and international support Obra Social "la Caixa", implement the 2 nd edition of the Summer Science Campus, led to 1200 students in 4 º ESO 1 º de Bachillerato.

For fourteen days the students will be in contact with scientific research, participating in two projects of scientific approach especially designed for them by university professors and secondary schools. The program will also include scientific activities - cultural activities (lectures, visits to museums and science centers ...) and leisure (sports and excursions to places of interest)

Filing Applications will remain open until May 13, 2011 at 13:00 pm (hours GMT). In the following website can find more information with full details of the program.

If in doubt, contact

Friday, April 1, 2011

Numbness In Hand And Face

XVII Summer 2011 edition of the Award in Science and Humanities Research St. Viator

Once again, the FECYT collaborates with the College of St. Viator in the implementation of the XVII Prize in Science and Humanities Research.

The award aims to "foster the spirit of research and creativity of students, offering teachers an opportunity to give practical meaning experimental and educational work and contribute to greater recognition and respect of the educational communities to scientific activity. "

may participate in the competition high school students, high school and vocational training courses they are enrolled in public or private schools throughout the English State. Levels of participation in the contest are:

• Level 1. Students from any high school, 4 of ESO and middle grade training cycles

• Level 2. Students of 1, 2 and 3 of ESO

The work may be done individually or in groups and must be unpublished and original, no winners previously in any other contest. May be submitted in Castilian or in any of the other official languages \u200b\u200bof the English State.

The work shall be entered via the form which can be downloaded at the website of the event ( ) Award and which contains the instructions for completing it.

The deadline for submission of work at the Colegio San Viator will end on June 15, 2011, pre-registration through the Web page as has been indicated in the preceding paragraph.

Award The award will be published on the website of the event and communicated e-mail to the winners from the day September 12, 2011. The awards ceremony will be held in Madrid on October 8, 2011.

The complete prize found on the web page / prize.

English Foundation for Science and Technology
C / Pedro Teixeira, 8 (Plant 2) -
28020 Madrid Tel: 91 425 September 2009 - Fax: 91 571 21 72

Numbness In Hand And Face

XVII Summer 2011 edition of the Award in Science and Humanities Research St. Viator

Once again, the FECYT collaborates with the College of St. Viator in the implementation of the XVII Prize in Science and Humanities Research.

The award aims to "foster the spirit of research and creativity of students, offering teachers an opportunity to give practical meaning experimental and educational work and contribute to greater recognition and respect of the educational communities to scientific activity. "

may participate in the competition high school students, high school and vocational training courses they are enrolled in public or private schools throughout the English State. Levels of participation in the contest are:

• Level 1. Students from any high school, 4 of ESO and middle grade training cycles

• Level 2. Students of 1, 2 and 3 of ESO

The work may be done individually or in groups and must be unpublished and original, no winners previously in any other contest. May be submitted in Castilian or in any of the other official languages \u200b\u200bof the English State.

The work shall be entered via the form which can be downloaded at the website of the event ( ) Award and which contains the instructions for completing it.

The deadline for submission of work at the Colegio San Viator will end on June 15, 2011, pre-registration through the Web page as has been indicated in the preceding paragraph.

Award The award will be published on the website of the event and communicated e-mail to the winners from the day September 12, 2011. The awards ceremony will be held in Madrid on October 8, 2011.

The complete prize found on the web page / prize.

English Foundation for Science and Technology
C / Pedro Teixeira, 8 (Plant 2) -
28020 Madrid Tel: 91 425 September 2009 - Fax: 91 571 21 72

Monday, March 28, 2011

Southpark Music Heroes Of Might And Magic

Chemistry and Society Bulletin. March / 2011 Submission

Link monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of March 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, can be consulted Articles:
  • 50 years we were not the tortilla paste
  • To better enjoy the city

Southpark Music Heroes Of Might And Magic

Chemistry and Society Bulletin. March / 2011 Submission

Link monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of March 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, can be consulted Articles:
  • 50 years we were not the tortilla paste
  • To better enjoy the city

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Congratulate Friends Engagement

Tour 2011 Scientific ELEMENT

Yesterday was made in the hall of our CEP the sixth edition of Science Tour.
The activity is organized by APCCC and the different collaborating institutions (City, County, School and Science and Education Delegation), will take place next March 26 along all day at the North Road our city.
activity are involved in about 25 elementary and secondary schools in our province, as well as organizations such as the Faculty of Sciences of the UCO, Botanical Garden, Astronomy Groups of Cordoba and Huelva. More information

How To Congratulate Friends Engagement

Tour 2011 Scientific ELEMENT

Yesterday was made in the hall of our CEP the sixth edition of Science Tour.
The activity is organized by APCCC and the different collaborating institutions (City, County, School and Science and Education Delegation), will take place next March 26 along all day at the North Road our city.
activity are involved in about 25 elementary and secondary schools in our province, as well as organizations such as the Faculty of Sciences of the UCO, Botanical Garden, Astronomy Groups of Cordoba and Huelva. More information

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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From the General Council of Chemical Association of Spain Spain Chemists tell us who are organizing several activities from ANQUE. They Chemistry aims to bring the youngest in the International Year of Chemistry choosing a format designed to achieve high student involvement, teachers, school principals.

This project can be divided into two interrelated activities, a quiz and a day to promote careers in science, in both cases the target audience are students in 4 º Eso and Bachillerato.

The contest will run entirely on social networks and the students and teachers will be eligible to win an i-pad. The theme of the competition is that students are defined through chemistry. The following dossier contains information on the competition-oriented teachers.

To participate you only need to have a Facebook account, and enter the following address: .

Video sample:

The journey to the promotion of vocations chemical is entitled "What have you inside" and will be held on April 6. It will be an event that centers all over Spain will be connected via the Internet to continue the journey. The provisional agenda for the day is:
  • "Chemical Theatre" directed by Professor Rosendo Pou, in which the actors are teachers and students of the University of Valencia, an initiative that has won the award for Quality and Innovation 2010 Teaching Social Council of the University of Valencia.
  • "Magic of Chemistry": Magic as a basis to convey concepts and bases of knowledge of chemistry. In this part we describe the chemistry by conducting experiments and tests spectacular, some of which may be confused with the magic that makes a group of professors and research scholars, led by Professor Tomás Torroba Chair of the Department of Chemistry, University of Burgos.
On the journey videos interspersed with declarations of the importance of chemistry performed by well-known personalities from the world of sport, film, culture, education, the science and industry.

Menudo contest resolution element.

For any questions please contact details are:
  • email:
  • Phone: 914310703

Are Vladmodels Legal In Uk


From the General Council of Chemical Association of Spain Spain Chemists tell us who are organizing several activities from ANQUE. They Chemistry aims to bring the youngest in the International Year of Chemistry choosing a format designed to achieve high student involvement, teachers, school principals.

This project can be divided into two interrelated activities, a quiz and a day to promote careers in science, in both cases the target audience are students in 4 º Eso and Bachillerato.

The contest will run entirely on social networks and the students and teachers will be eligible to win an i-pad. The theme of the competition is that students are defined through chemistry. The following dossier contains information on the competition-oriented teachers.

To participate you only need to have a Facebook account, and enter the following address: .

Video sample:

The journey to the promotion of vocations chemical is entitled "What have you inside" and will be held on April 6. It will be an event that centers all over Spain will be connected via the Internet to continue the journey. The provisional agenda for the day is:
  • "Chemical Theatre" directed by Professor Rosendo Pou, in which the actors are teachers and students of the University of Valencia, an initiative that has won the award for Quality and Innovation 2010 Teaching Social Council of the University of Valencia.
  • "Magic of Chemistry": Magic as a basis to convey concepts and bases of knowledge of chemistry. In this part we describe the chemistry by conducting experiments and tests spectacular, some of which may be confused with the magic that makes a group of professors and research scholars, led by Professor Tomás Torroba Chair of the Department of Chemistry, University of Burgos.
On the journey videos interspersed with declarations of the importance of chemistry performed by well-known personalities from the world of sport, film, culture, education, the science and industry.

Menudo contest resolution element.

For any questions please contact details are:
  • email:
  • Phone: 914310703

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Much Daylight Is Gained Since Dec 21

Chemistry and Society Bulletin. February / 2011

Link monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of February 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, articles are available:
  • Manufacture of plastics with carbon dioxide.
  • golf balls, reinvented.
  • artificial muscles with touch screens and games.

How Much Daylight Is Gained Since Dec 21

Chemistry and Society Bulletin. February / 2011

Link monthly newsletter "Chemistry and Society" for the month of February 2011. And a section devoted to informational and educational materials, articles are available:
  • Manufacture of plastics with carbon dioxide.
  • golf balls, reinvented.
  • artificial muscles with touch screens and games.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Decorative Pillows Wholesale

Fourth Conference on the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry I Meeting of Chemical Education and Chemical Water

In the framework of the International Year of Chemistry will organize this conference, focusing on discuss the current challenges of chemical education, providing educational and methodological proposals for teaching.
be held in Barcelona on 24, 25 and 26 March, being able to make submissions.

Extended information about the program, sending communications rules and registration in the attachment.

Decorative Pillows Wholesale

Fourth Conference on the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry I Meeting of Chemical Education and Chemical Water

In the framework of the International Year of Chemistry will organize this conference, focusing on discuss the current challenges of chemical education, providing educational and methodological proposals for teaching.
be held in Barcelona on 24, 25 and 26 March, being able to make submissions.

Extended information about the program, sending communications rules and registration in the attachment.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Contest. This duality is needed

From the General Council of Chemists of Spain, the Association of Chemists of Spain has sent the notice of an Event on Water and Chemistry, one of the activities being implemented since ANQUE occasion International Year of Chemistry.
-exposure is a contest aimed at middle and high school students on their perception of the contribution of chemistry in sustainable water management.

enclose the bases of the call, along with several documents of interest to teachers, and a video on Water and Chemical .

Rennet Tablets Where To Buy Salt Lake City Ut

Contest. This duality is needed

From the General Council of Chemists of Spain, the Association of Chemists of Spain has sent the notice of an Event on Water and Chemistry, one of the activities being implemented since ANQUE occasion International Year of Chemistry.
-exposure is a contest aimed at middle and high school students on their perception of the contribution of chemistry in sustainable water management.

enclose the bases of the call, along with several documents of interest to teachers, and a video on Water and Chemical .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Son Fecal Incontinence

Chemistry and ... Action! MORE

To mark the Year of Chemistry in the Science Park of Granada want to do a meeting in May with scientific documentaries prepared with the students. For all teachers who wish to participate Andalusia may have training and resources to tackle video editing, has organized a training day in which we hope to have people interested.

Date: Saturday, March 12 Time: 10am to 14:30 h and 16h to 18h Venue: Science Park

To register, send a mail with the data for the formation of "Chemical y. .. action! to Before 17 February, in order of entry post.

More information about the project "Chemistry y. .. action!" this link in . Greetings and Activities Department Edcuación Science Park Andalusia. Granada

Son Fecal Incontinence

Chemistry and ... Action! MORE

To mark the Year of Chemistry in the Science Park of Granada want to do a meeting in May with scientific documentaries prepared with the students. For all teachers who wish to participate Andalusia may have training and resources to tackle video editing, has organized a training day in which we hope to have people interested.

Date: Saturday, March 12 Time: 10am to 14:30 h and 16h to 18h Venue: Science Park

To register, send a mail with the data for the formation of "Chemical y. .. action! to Before 17 February, in order of entry post.

More information about the project "Chemistry y. .. action!" this link in . Greetings and Activities Department Edcuación Science Park Andalusia. Granada

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bottomless Men And Women Together


The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education runs the program in-depth knowledge deepening. DEEPENS

program is aimed at students in Elementary (2 nd and 3 rd cycles) and of secondary school through which they can participate in projects work, on the thematic focus of the scientific and technological knowledge will enable them to address other perspectives and actively develop basic skills.

These programs will be held Saturday morning at schools located throughout the territory of Andalusia and will be led by outstanding teachers for their good practices and experience in applying research to the classroom and in bringing the world science to students.

This program aims to promote student interest in science and research, making active agents in constructing their learning.

can participate in the program students, schools and teachers

To participate in the program, students must complete the relevant application by the Secretariat of the center or downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education and submit duly filled in their own center along with writing a research paper on a topic of scientific-technological area that is of interest. The deadline for submission of these requests in the center is 17 February.

Schools can also request a reference center for the program deepens. To this end, the holder of the school management must apply in writing to the holder of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Education through the application form sent to the center. This model can also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education. The delivery of this application is 15 February.

But there is still a key: the teacher. To participate in this program, teachers will refer the request to the holder of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Education, enclosing a curriculum that is reflected in the specific training that is relevant to this area, participation as speaker in training related to the topic, as well as experience in developing research projects in the classroom. As in the case of schools, the deadline for submission of applications by teachers is 15 February.

The deadline for students interested in participating ending February 17, 2011

Documents - Extended information for students
- students

Application Deadline for schools and teachers will end on February 15 , 2011

Documents - Extended Information schools and teachers
- Request teachers
- Request schools

For further information:

profundiza.ced @

Bottomless Men And Women Together


The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education runs the program in-depth knowledge deepening. DEEPENS

program is aimed at students in Elementary (2 nd and 3 rd cycles) and of secondary school through which they can participate in projects work, on the thematic focus of the scientific and technological knowledge will enable them to address other perspectives and actively develop basic skills.

These programs will be held Saturday morning at schools located throughout the territory of Andalusia and will be led by outstanding teachers for their good practices and experience in applying research to the classroom and in bringing the world science to students.

This program aims to promote student interest in science and research, making active agents in constructing their learning.

can participate in the program students, schools and teachers

To participate in the program, students must complete the relevant application by the Secretariat of the center or downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education and submit duly filled in their own center along with writing a research paper on a topic of scientific-technological area that is of interest. The deadline for submission of these requests in the center is 17 February.

Schools can also request a reference center for the program deepens. To this end, the holder of the school management must apply in writing to the holder of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Education through the application form sent to the center. This model can also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education. The delivery of this application is 15 February.

But there is still a key: the teacher. To participate in this program, teachers will refer the request to the holder of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Education, enclosing a curriculum that is reflected in the specific training that is relevant to this area, participation as speaker in training related to the topic, as well as experience in developing research projects in the classroom. As in the case of schools, the deadline for submission of applications by teachers is 15 February.

The deadline for students interested in participating ending February 17, 2011

Documents - Extended information for students
- students

Application Deadline for schools and teachers will end on February 15 , 2011

Documents - Extended Information schools and teachers
- Request teachers
- Request schools

For further information:

profundiza.ced @

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Male Brazilian Waxing Nj

Conference on Science Resources Experimental Film

We have published in an event entitled "Resources for Experimental Science" (code 10148CA08) consisting Monograph 4 sessions in which different issues come up that we hope provide a set of resources directly applicable in the classroom. The sessions are:

February 17: Physics and Music. scientific foundations of acoustics.
  • Rapporteur: Carlos Duran Torres, professor of physics and chemistry and head of the Principia of Malaga.
February 21: Science and ICT : be shown a set of specific ICT resources for science.
  • Speaker: Jesús Manuel Muñoz Street, Professor of Physics and Chemistry of IES JUNCAL Aljaraque SOURCE (Huelva) and coordinator of the Newton Project, associated with the Institute of Educational Technologies (Education Ministry).

February 24: practical work in Classroom: Tips conducting classroom experiences from affordable materials in our environment.
  • Speaker: Enrique Navarro Aganzo, Professor of Physics and Chemistry of IES Fidiana, Cordoba
March 3: Energy efficiency and clean technologies (renewable energy) : Development of clean energy technologies that are currently booming and expansion and its relation to efficiency and energy demand.
  • Speaker: Association of Physicists. Jacinto Diaz Marcilla, Esq. Physical Sciences and an expert consultant on Renewable Energy
Registration is done through SENECA directly, or accessed from the CEP web

Male Brazilian Waxing Nj

Conference on Science Resources Experimental Film

We have published in an event entitled "Resources for Experimental Science" (code 10148CA08) consisting Monograph 4 sessions in which different issues come up that we hope provide a set of resources directly applicable in the classroom. The sessions are:

February 17: Physics and Music. scientific foundations of acoustics.
  • Rapporteur: Carlos Duran Torres, professor of physics and chemistry and head of the Principia of Malaga.
February 21: Science and ICT : be shown a set of specific ICT resources for science.
  • Speaker: Jesús Manuel Muñoz Street, Professor of Physics and Chemistry of IES JUNCAL Aljaraque SOURCE (Huelva) and coordinator of the Newton Project, associated with the Institute of Educational Technologies (Education Ministry).

February 24: practical work in Classroom: Tips conducting classroom experiences from affordable materials in our environment.
  • Speaker: Enrique Navarro Aganzo, Professor of Physics and Chemistry of IES Fidiana, Cordoba
March 3: Energy efficiency and clean technologies (renewable energy) : Development of clean energy technologies that are currently booming and expansion and its relation to efficiency and energy demand.
  • Speaker: Association of Physicists. Jacinto Diaz Marcilla, Esq. Physical Sciences and an expert consultant on Renewable Energy
Registration is done through SENECA directly, or accessed from the CEP web

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can I Take Amitriptyline With Trimethoprim


The UN has declared this 2011 as the "International Year chemistry." Sure at first it does not generate great enthusiasm. All associate chemistry with boring or unnatural. "This wine has great chemistry," we say when wine regularly know. As if the chemicals could enjoy some special social status, the media recently revealed the existence of a cousin of Saddam who was accused of horrible crimes, as well the individual concerned was known as "Chemical Ali ." Well, finally this year we can try to rescue the trunk of chemistry injustice and blasphemy.
"We owe something to the chemistry?. Of course, we owe much. Let me name Lavoisier, "father of modern chemistry." This distinguished scientist, identified more than 200 years on the air we breathe oxygen to live and we light the fire. By the way, was guillotined in the midst of the French Revolution, not chemical, but because he had the misfortune of being a tax collector at the wrong time. The chemistry has changed little since Lavoisier, chemists have been able to study and synthesize molecules that help us in everyday life, drugs, vitamins, hormones, plastics, detergents, fuels, our life would be very different, very difficult, without chemistry. Moreover, if we know more about the world around us is through the chemistry allows us to go on a molecular scale inaccessible to the senses and advance the knowledge of nature. The challenges of chemistry are very important to ensure a smooth future. The depletion and imbalance in resources, both nutritional and energy, pollution, climate change, combating diseases and pests. Surely we need a lot of chemistry, chemistry of the good.

Can I Take Amitriptyline With Trimethoprim


The UN has declared this 2011 as the "International Year chemistry." Sure at first it does not generate great enthusiasm. All associate chemistry with boring or unnatural. "This wine has great chemistry," we say when wine regularly know. As if the chemicals could enjoy some special social status, the media recently revealed the existence of a cousin of Saddam who was accused of horrible crimes, as well the individual concerned was known as "Chemical Ali ." Well, finally this year we can try to rescue the trunk of chemistry injustice and blasphemy.
"We owe something to the chemistry?. Of course, we owe much. Let me name Lavoisier, "father of modern chemistry." This distinguished scientist, identified more than 200 years on the air we breathe oxygen to live and we light the fire. By the way, was guillotined in the midst of the French Revolution, not chemical, but because he had the misfortune of being a tax collector at the wrong time. The chemistry has changed little since Lavoisier, chemists have been able to study and synthesize molecules that help us in everyday life, drugs, vitamins, hormones, plastics, detergents, fuels, our life would be very different, very difficult, without chemistry. Moreover, if we know more about the world around us is through the chemistry allows us to go on a molecular scale inaccessible to the senses and advance the knowledge of nature. The challenges of chemistry are very important to ensure a smooth future. The depletion and imbalance in resources, both nutritional and energy, pollution, climate change, combating diseases and pests. Surely we need a lot of chemistry, chemistry of the good.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Vba Pokemon Silver Mac

FECYT Scientific Programme 2010-2011

For the school year 2010/2011, the English Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) Association English Association of Film and Image Science (ASECIC) have prepared the sixth FECYT Scientific Film Programme 2010-2011 which aims to bring science to the public, with special emphasis on young students. The nine audiovisual FECYT program of scientific films and documentary films 2011 are presented at the XXVI Certamen Unicaja de Cine - International Biennial Scientific Film 2010-2011, reference scientific event in our country. The nine films

Program provides an excellent overview of scientific knowledge and its application, with an attractive visual language and a thorough informative and entertaining content. You can see a brief summary of each of the documentaries on the following link. It has also developed a study guide that complements the viewing of documents, proposing educational activities around the theme of the program (phone Download here ) .

FECYT film The scientific program will be available by 2011 free loan from November 2010 to October 31, 2011 for all those entities interested in the project by public and free of any audiovisual that compose it. To borrow any of the documentaries that make up the Scientific Film Programme 2010-11 FECYT you must complete an application form available at the following link and send it by mail to FECYT (Scientific Film Program), c / Pedro Teixeira, 8 2 ª planta, 28020 Madrid) or email: .

For any questions please contact telephone 91 425 in September 2009 or by email: .

Vba Pokemon Silver Mac

FECYT Scientific Programme 2010-2011

For the school year 2010/2011, the English Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) Association English Association of Film and Image Science (ASECIC) have prepared the sixth FECYT Scientific Film Programme 2010-2011 which aims to bring science to the public, with special emphasis on young students. The nine audiovisual FECYT program of scientific films and documentary films 2011 are presented at the XXVI Certamen Unicaja de Cine - International Biennial Scientific Film 2010-2011, reference scientific event in our country. The nine films

Program provides an excellent overview of scientific knowledge and its application, with an attractive visual language and a thorough informative and entertaining content. You can see a brief summary of each of the documentaries on the following link. It has also developed a study guide that complements the viewing of documents, proposing educational activities around the theme of the program (phone Download here ) .

FECYT film The scientific program will be available by 2011 free loan from November 2010 to October 31, 2011 for all those entities interested in the project by public and free of any audiovisual that compose it. To borrow any of the documentaries that make up the Scientific Film Programme 2010-11 FECYT you must complete an application form available at the following link and send it by mail to FECYT (Scientific Film Program), c / Pedro Teixeira, 8 2 ª planta, 28020 Madrid) or email: .

For any questions please contact telephone 91 425 in September 2009 or by email: .

Friday, January 14, 2011

Men Wearing Nylon Stockings High Heels

Simple is beautiful

show in this post the presentation used by Jorge Riechmann in the gathering entitled "Simple is beautiful (on advanced technologies in a complex society)" which held yesterday at the Botanical Garden of Cordoba as part of the Cycle of Scientific Gatherings being developed along the course, organized by APCCC in collaboration with our CEP and INGEMA.

Men Wearing Nylon Stockings High Heels

Simple is beautiful

show in this post the presentation used by Jorge Riechmann in the gathering entitled "Simple is beautiful (on advanced technologies in a complex society)" which held yesterday at the Botanical Garden of Cordoba as part of the Cycle of Scientific Gatherings being developed along the course, organized by APCCC in collaboration with our CEP and INGEMA.