Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pressure Points Of The Ankle Toget Periods

is well known direct link between the consumption of snuff and two of the most lethal disease affecting the lungs, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, associated with emphysema and lung cancer . Recently, detailed studies of computerized imaging, have allowed to suggest a possible correlation between these two diseases at first so different, but with a possible relationship that can help in future treatments.
Smoke in general, both snuff, such as the may be associated with certain combustion processes, has substances that can trigger after chronic exposure, an inflammatory process or emphysema in the lungs that leads to the cells of our own immune system to destroy the cells of the pulmonary alveoli reducing its elasticity while restricting the flow of air. The lung cancer, however, is a disease with a completely different origin and that produced by a manifestation of uncontrolled growth of cells in the lung. A study recently published in the journal "Chest" which was also released by the prestigious Nature medicine”, correlaciona estas dos enfermedades diametralmente opuestas. El trabajo muestra que la presencia en determinados pacientes de un enfisema pulmonar moderado que no llega ni siquiera a manifestarse en trastornos pulmonares, se correlaciona con una mayor incidencia posterior de cáncer de pulmón. La hipótesis más probable que permite explicar este resultado, se basa en que las mismas células del sistema inmune que se activan por las sustancias del humo producirían en el seno del tumor factores de crecimiento que son aprovechados por las células cancerosas para multiplicarse y extender la enfermedad. En cierto sentido, nuestras células inmunológicas activadas por el humo del tabaco se “ponen a tabajar” para the enemy. In fact, studies show that some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with inhaled corticosteroids delayed the onset of lung cancer by inhibiting supposedly inflamatorio.Será important process in the future to identify the immunological mediators operating in these two diseases to try to find alternatives to drug treatment. Although this work opens an important bridge between research and clinic, your doctor, as he listens, he will say that the best thing to do is not fire no more cigarette .


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