Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mexico Sandos Caracol Eco Webcam


What is the self-organization?

The self-organization is a process in which the internal organization of a system generally open , increases complexity without being guided by any external agent. Typically, self-organizing systems exhibit emergent properties .

Self-organization is the subject of interdisciplinary study, it is a characteristic of complex systems , be they mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, social or economic.

History idea

Ancient atomistic thought since, given a sufficient spatial and temporal conditions, self-organization of matter had appeared as a natural product needs. Aristotle added the formal and final causalities to explain the ways in which matter is organized recursively in the natural world. The introduction of a divine intelligence from Scholastic to account for natural forms was virtually disappear cutting theories immanent to the nineteenth century . The Naturphilosophie , based on certain passages in the Critique of Jucie of Kant he spoke of "universal laws of form." His ideas fell into disuse until the beginning of the twentieth century with the work of D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson .

The term "self-organization" was first introduced by Emmanuel Kant in Critique of Judgement and recovered in 1947 by the psychiatrist and engineer W. Ross Ashby . The concept was soon used by Heinz von Foerster cyberneticists , Gordon Pask, Stafford Beer and himself Norbert Wiener, the second edition of his "Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine" (MIT Press 1961). The concept of "self-organization" was adopted by all those associated with systems theory in the early 1960 , but did not become a common scientific to its adoption by physicists and generally , researchers of complex systems in the decades of the seventies and eighties.

Examples of self-organization

Biological Self-Organization

phyllotaxis opposite leaf

  • Since the work of Turing the phyllotaxis has become a classic example of a resulting pattern of self-organizing process.

political self-organization

  • The politics of direct emphasizes that solutions to issues ethical, economic, technological, etc. Must be from the persons concerned or affected by a matter inherently and take into primary consideration the direct human relations and people in particular, creating mechanisms direct interaction, which are the basis of anarchism which seeks people to get direct power over their lives.

With a development of the various human relationships of individual and collective beings independently, is developing its own (directly) the potential for identification, association and so on., Without the need to address external factors stakeholders.

Below is a metaphor of self-organization:
Ants and Self-Organization

"Parties dumb / silent
properly connected in a swarm, yield results
elegant and intelligent."

E. Bonabeau

Everyone from children, we have admired the organization keep the ants. These complex and sophisticated self-organized societies not have leaders, or leaders . The behavior that results from a group of social insects, by means of self-organization, known as "swarm intelligence", "Swarm Intelligence, Collective Intelligence.

"Ants are not smart - he says Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University - but the colonies are." A colony can solve problems unaffordable for individual ant, like finding the shortest path to the best food source, allocating workers to different tasks or defending territory. As individuals, ants may be stupid, but as a colony respond quickly and effectively to their environment. And they do it with something called swarm intelligence.

Ants have been around for more than 60 million years . We humans, for only about two million . They have had much more time to experiment and, however, fossils of primitive ants are equal to those of today. An ant colony can have five thousand individuals. They have a keen sense of organization, although, surprisingly, no individual has a global vision system. They do not have guards urban and planning engineers, no prior plan or leader to coordinate their activities. Self-organization as a colony arises from the individual.

This way of working is very different from our system of organization, which is based on the premise that it is essential and necessary to function in society as a hierarchical control as the notorious leadership. It is possible that when human societies have passed the 10 million to ñ os, social behavior is different from today.

Self-organization implies that group behavior emerges from the collective interactions of all individuals and not a chief, king, dictator, a democratically elected person, a Messiah, or anything like it.

complex science in general and in particular swarm intelligence has determined that if an individual follows simple rules, the resulting behavior of the group can be surprisingly complex and highly effective. Eventually flexibility and robustness are the result of self-organization.

fields of application of swarm intelligence is vast and diverse: business reorganization of various business operations, engineering solutions to traffic problems in networks, search optimization processes, reduced waste costs due to logistics, improve strategies to eliminate viruses, increased productivity in airport management, efficiency securities markets, intelligent systems for managing routes in road charging system optimization, among others.

features a swarm:

* Composed of simple agents (self-organized)
* Works * No single supervisor
* There is no global plan (pop)
* is sturdy, solid.
* The proceedings are completed even if an individual fails * It is very flexible

* You can respond to external changes
* Has perception of the environment (senses)
* There is no explicit model of environment / ability to change

are three aspects that make social insects are successful and are present at any place on earth:

most innovative and modern

are now trying to copy ants.

estimated by the experts, that can boost a project based on the cooperation of individuals. If people (like ants) are motivated by a collective project, but can do without the weight of those who rule based on something designed in the highest, will feel more comfortable and freer and, therefore, be more effective.

How many thousands of years we need, to humans, to achieve that level of self-organization?

1. Flexibility , the colony can adapt to a changing environment, extreme, side, have the capacity to self-recover.

2. Robustness , ie when one or more individuals fail, err or die, the group can continue to run the task

3. self-organization, ie the activities are not centrally controlled and monitored locally. No kings or presidents or legislators, or guards.

Although there are some people who do not like ants because they eat the roses, one can learn much from the study of ants, bees and other self-organized societies, when:

- Rephrase ideas to strengthen concept of technology cluster in a valley,
- Demystifying den leaders need vision,
- Improve teamwork,
- Make intelligent functionality
traffic lights - Generate simple mathematical models and robust,
- Apply theory of swarms for solving search problems, sorting:
traffic engineering, service quality, software testing

- Apply models to solve complex problems, such as programmable cellular automata.
- Educating individual habits that have global impact.

human resource departments of corporations and strategic consultants


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