Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can I Use Wood Wax On My Snowboard?

sunny weather arrives and with it many people feel the need to tan. A few centuries ago have white skin was synonymous with aristocracy, as reflected in the paintings by Goya English nobility of the eighteenth century. Today we want to be a bit dark because somehow that apparently favors our side. However, many of us have some questions: Why change the skin tone with the sun's radiation?, "Sunscreens protect melanoma? ...

Our skin is the first frontier of defense against external aggression. The keratinocytes present in the epidermis are the basic building blocks of this defense. Other cells such as melanocytes collaborators in charge of manufacturing the brown pigment melanin responsible for skin color. When exposed to sunlight, UV radiation induces increased production of melanin. Recently, the journal Cell, Vol 128:853, published a study showing that an important protein called p53 activated by UV radiation inducing the expression of the MSH hormone responsible for the production of melanin. This pigment becomes keratinocytes serve as an umbrella for protection against solar radiation and neutralizing free radicals. So tanning is a response of "self defense" that helps us protect our cells from excessive radiation. A little sunshine is always good to set our vitamin D, however, an excess can produce diffuse redness or rashes on our skin. Epidemiological studies also suggest a relationship of some types of skin cancer with sun exposure. Note that in the last twenty years have doubled the cancer cases piel.Las solar Protective creams, filtering some of this UV radiation to some extent help us to avoid sunburn and some skin cancers affecting keratinocytes, however, no studies demonstrating conclusive protection against melanoma which is the most aggressive type of skin cancer. The white-skinned people are more prone to this type of cancer and creams may not help in this regard, rather have a counterproductive effect, creating a false sense of security that makes people stay longer in the sun because . Molecular advances on the mechanisms of bed soon enable long sunbathing save that may adversely affect our health, perhaps a slightly active substance that our p53 is sufficient to get that tan you all want to have before stepping on the beach. Meanwhile, debemos limitar las exposiciones al sol, sobretodo si nuestro tipo de piel lo aconseja.


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