Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Footprint Tattoos On Back


's not clear yet what makes us choose our spouse, including a number of possibilities, to try to share at any given time some things, like the floor and bed. In the animal kingdom this election is playing ensure each individual, seeking to perpetuate the genes interspersed with someone competent. Sometimes the relationship is short, in many cases the meetings do not go beyond intercourse and then, if you've seen I do not remember ... The animal world strategies in this regard to reproductive adventure continue to fill many television documentaries. What about humans?. A recent study links the choice of our partners with the physical resemblance of one of our own parents, in the case of the study specifically the parent of the opposite sex to ours, ie, it is likely that your wife, one day, I say you look like your father or your husband find a certain resemblance to his mother. Maybe if this happens, it will shut up!.
The study by Dr Tamas Bereczkei University of Pécs in Hungary, was recently published in the journal Proceedings of Biological Science. " It examines 14 facial proportions of 312 adults from 52 families, leading to hypothesize certainly oldest child in any way we get a mental image of either the father or mother, as both girls and boys respectively, and would tend to seek, when we're older, a couple matches this facial pattern, ie during childhood and would have a certain "imprinting" or sexual memory that we would look at a couple of reproductive age that fits best to this image from our memory. Moreover Studies have associated mate choice matters less psychological and more physiological. By women, for example, hormonal and reproductive state can influence the election. In any case it would not hurt that sought a reasonable likeness in your family album to try to see if the theory of Dr Bereczkei has some merit.

Footprint Tattoos On Back


's not clear yet what makes us choose our spouse, including a number of possibilities, to try to share at any given time some things, like the floor and bed. In the animal kingdom this election is playing ensure each individual, seeking to perpetuate the genes interspersed with someone competent. Sometimes the relationship is short, in many cases the meetings do not go beyond intercourse and then, if you've seen I do not remember ... The animal world strategies in this regard to reproductive adventure continue to fill many television documentaries. What about humans?. A recent study links the choice of our partners with the physical resemblance of one of our own parents, in the case of the study specifically the parent of the opposite sex to ours, ie, it is likely that your wife, one day, I say you look like your father or your husband find a certain resemblance to his mother. Maybe if this happens, it will shut up!.
The study by Dr Tamas Bereczkei University of Pécs in Hungary, was recently published in the journal Proceedings of Biological Science. " It examines 14 facial proportions of 312 adults from 52 families, leading to hypothesize certainly oldest child in any way we get a mental image of either the father or mother, as both girls and boys respectively, and would tend to seek, when we're older, a couple matches this facial pattern, ie during childhood and would have a certain "imprinting" or sexual memory that we would look at a couple of reproductive age that fits best to this image from our memory. Moreover Studies have associated mate choice matters less psychological and more physiological. By women, for example, hormonal and reproductive state can influence the election. In any case it would not hurt that sought a reasonable likeness in your family album to try to see if the theory of Dr Bereczkei has some merit.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What To Put On After A Brazillian


all depends on the side that looks tell us many times. With the fat seems that the side is always the worst. Nobody wants to be fat and related health specialists obesity with various diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases type 2 diabetes.
At adipocytes or fat cells, are the sole has always attached primary role of storing excess nutrients and releasing the stored energy when the body required. In the early nineties it was found that fat had other physiological functions, such release proinflammatory substances. Recently, a clinical-stage study demonstrates the benefits of anti-inflammatory drugs to control blood sugar. Trying to change certain harmful functions of fat, without necessarily having to remove it may be an important therapeutic alternative in the near future. Without doubt, obesity leads to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are increasing the number of patients with type 2 diabetes , in which insulin fails to act appropriately, mainly in the liver and muscles where glucose is used, respectively, to produce triglycerides, or to provide energy during exercise. As a result glucose in the blood increases causing the harmful effects of uncontrolled diabetes. Recent studies show that fat has an active role in the regulation of glucose, which is understandable in part. When fat cells increase in size by the accumulation of triglycerides, releasing a protein, RBP4 which inhibits insulin action on liver, fat tissue in any way trying not transform the body more glucose into triglycerides, but concomitantly increased levels of blood sugar. Similarly, the fat cells in certain circumstances, for example related to obesity, are able to release, as mentioned earlier, inflammatory substances such as TNF and IL-6 that have harmful effects, maintaining a chronic inflammatory . In this regard, the Harvard University have begun clinical studies recently published in the journal Diabetes Care, the anti-inflammatory benefit in glycemic control. It's not all bad signals from the adipose tissue, adipocytes that have not "fed" free size, contrast, substances such as adiponectin that facilitates the action of insulin. Studies Additional clinical stage trying to modulate the effects of various substances released by fat and to take still do not know the exact mechanism of action. However the path is marked and is likely to soon be able to modify or counteract the negative signals of the cells "fattened" fat, without necessarily having to eliminate them. The liposuction that permit to extract a certain amount of fat are the most appropriate response and that although they may have aesthetic consequences, the remaining fat cells continue to own the harmful effects of obesity. The healthy diet and moderate exercise regimen should mark our life to try to avoid the problems associated with obesity. July 2, 2008.

What To Put On After A Brazillian


all depends on the side that looks tell us many times. With the fat seems that the side is always the worst. Nobody wants to be fat and related health specialists obesity with various diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases type 2 diabetes.
At adipocytes or fat cells, are the sole has always attached primary role of storing excess nutrients and releasing the stored energy when the body required. In the early nineties it was found that fat had other physiological functions, such release proinflammatory substances. Recently, a clinical-stage study demonstrates the benefits of anti-inflammatory drugs to control blood sugar. Trying to change certain harmful functions of fat, without necessarily having to remove it may be an important therapeutic alternative in the near future. Without doubt, obesity leads to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are increasing the number of patients with type 2 diabetes , in which insulin fails to act appropriately, mainly in the liver and muscles where glucose is used, respectively, to produce triglycerides, or to provide energy during exercise. As a result glucose in the blood increases causing the harmful effects of uncontrolled diabetes. Recent studies show that fat has an active role in the regulation of glucose, which is understandable in part. When fat cells increase in size by the accumulation of triglycerides, releasing a protein, RBP4 which inhibits insulin action on liver, fat tissue in any way trying not transform the body more glucose into triglycerides, but concomitantly increased levels of blood sugar. Similarly, the fat cells in certain circumstances, for example related to obesity, are able to release, as mentioned earlier, inflammatory substances such as TNF and IL-6 that have harmful effects, maintaining a chronic inflammatory . In this regard, the Harvard University have begun clinical studies recently published in the journal Diabetes Care, the anti-inflammatory benefit in glycemic control. It's not all bad signals from the adipose tissue, adipocytes that have not "fed" free size, contrast, substances such as adiponectin that facilitates the action of insulin. Studies Additional clinical stage trying to modulate the effects of various substances released by fat and to take still do not know the exact mechanism of action. However the path is marked and is likely to soon be able to modify or counteract the negative signals of the cells "fattened" fat, without necessarily having to eliminate them. The liposuction that permit to extract a certain amount of fat are the most appropriate response and that although they may have aesthetic consequences, the remaining fat cells continue to own the harmful effects of obesity. The healthy diet and moderate exercise regimen should mark our life to try to avoid the problems associated with obesity. July 2, 2008.